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farmers markets ?


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i was just wondering how many of you sell your products at farmers markets/ flea markets and if it was worth your while or not. i have a couple of different ones around me and i just wanted to know if you guys had any good or bad thoughts about them. thanks for any help.

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I've not set up at one yet but that is my plan for this year. We have one here down at the River Market so I'm going to give it a try. Their prices for a space are really inexpensive. I know its not much help but I figure it's a high traffice area and I won't be out much money if I don't do well.

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My town has about 8,300 people.. rural farm community. I did the farmers market for 4 saturdays this past summer and did very well. Got to meet the locals, they got to know me. Bought a lot of sweet corn with the profits. Very definately going to do again this year for the entire season. If the weather is good and I have nothing going on, will be on the square. Cost was $25 for the 4 weeks and never did below $100 for 4 hours work. So $50 for a 3-4 month season is going to be a nice deal. Keeps cash flowing so can get inventory up for the 'big' shows. Since I eventually want a store front getting to know everybody is in my best interest.

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Since we're on this subject. Does/has anyone set up in any antique malls? We don't really have an craft malls here (the only one we have is in a not so nice area of town) so I was considering the antique mall option. The only draw back that I see to this is the space rent seems kind of pricey.

ETA: Have any of you just set up on the road side say around VD, Father's and Mother's Day? The area of town I live in is considered the ritzy part. I live right behind the Athletic Club lots of traffic so I thought about asking if they would let me set up a table on the back side of their parking lot lmao.

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Guest EMercier

IMO, I would visit the flea market and see. Some sell junk and stuff out of their houses. You don't want something like that. You want a farmers/flea market that you have people selling new or antique stuff. People come out with a little money looking for a deal when you spend time pouring and such. I had that happen to me when I first started. I couldn't sell much. I switched to craft shows. There is a Farmer's Market near me, but they sell produce, plants, handmade goods and food. There was a lady there that sells soy candles and she was the rudest. I walked away. It's a wonder if she sells or not. I know I'm going to put in an app there to start selling in the spring. I need to get my name out there and it's close to home.

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These flea market malls are in the better area of town and they have mostly just antiques no junk. So I might check into it a little more and see. I've got to get my name out there too lol Word of mouth is picking up from people at work. I know it's just going to take time is all.

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Our local farmer's market is 90% of my business in the summer. It is held from May- Sept. on Sat. and Wed.

I average $650.00 a day.

You can do really well but it is all about your marketing and targeting the people that shop at the market. Our market tends to draw customer's that are vegan and enjoy very natural things. I use a lot of the market produce in my soaps and have been working on a tri-pack of veggie scented soaps for the upcoming season.

I would say, GO FOR IT!


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My wife and I set up at our local flea market for several weekends before christmas. We sold several hundred dollars worth of Gel Candles rather quickly.

We enjoyed the atmosphere a lot. It is a fairly nice flea market. The vendors there sell everything from "junk stuff" as my wife calls it..to antiques..to handmade crafts.

We will be opening a permanent shop there beginning in Feb. We have designed what I think is a unique type of forever gel candle..At least I have never seen any like it for sale anywhere...but who knows..there may be some out there somewhere.

We are going to use the flea market shop as a stepping stone to build our candle business and hopefully open a stand alone shop at some point in the future.

Bill and Donna

Jacksonville Fla

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well i looked into 1 about 20 min. away from me and since im just starting out he said he would like 3 refrences which is no problem. i am in the running for the last indoor space with tables already and elec and a wall behind me for my banner he said that there is no contract and the rent is 210 a month so i dont think thats 2 bad. im just so confused though right now about that i think its a big commitment and just a little scared ill say about making my money back and how im going to juggle this with my full time job. i believe that i have good products and i got my insurance , i crossed my t's and dotted my i's but i just feel alittle lost. can anybody help with some suggestions.

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I had a booth in the farmer's Saturday Market in the town we used to live in. I did great there. It was only open for 4 hours on Saturday mornings, but my sales were always great. I've also done craft malls and one antique mall in the past; did fine in the craft malls, not good in the antique mall.


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Heather, $210 per month seems pretty steep for a FM rent but that may be normal for your area. If you are only going to be selling there on Sat's. you need to a product profit of over $40/day to cover your rent. Do you have any idea what kind of traffic they get on a Sat.? I set up at our local FM from May thru Sept. It is outdoors so weather really impacts sales. Here candle sales are down in the summer but I do well with air fresheners. It is a great way to get your name out there. The locals and regular tourists look for me now. Good Luck

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this is going to be a indoor permanant space and i know that april thru oct they are busy tour buses get dropped off there every week and its about 4 buses at a time plus the locals. im just worried about people might not want to pay my prices at a farmers market people are usually out for a bargan at these places.

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Here is a great idea, set up at schools. most schools will allow you to do this and if you offer them 10% or so for their pta then they are glad to allow you to sell. Teachers buy, students buy, which in turn gets their parents to buy, so... it all works out good. Valentines Day is a great time because many schools do not allow delivery so, if you could sell on valentines day, you could probably get tons of sales.

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