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Dog Shampoo Base?


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This is probably a weird question, but I have 9 dogs and was wondering if anyone sold doggie shampoo base, like Millcreek regular shampoo base? It gets pretty expensive bathing 9 dogs once a week..lol

Another question, can I use Millcreeks shampoo base on a dog? Or would it be to strong for a dog?

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This is probably a weird question, but I have 9 dogs and was wondering if anyone sold doggie shampoo base, like Millcreek regular shampoo base? It gets pretty expensive bathing 9 dogs once a week..lol

Another question, can I use Millcreeks shampoo base on a dog? Or would it be to strong for a dog?

My Vet. recommends bathing a dog only once per month. Bathing to often is bad on their skin, it dries them out to much.

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Another question, can I use Millcreeks shampoo base on a dog? Or would it be to strong for a dog?

Excellent question!!! I was curious as well, so I did some Googling.

Millcreek's base is a coconut base and there was nothing they listed in their ingredients that appear to me, to be bad or harsh.

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I did find the base you asked about has cocamide DEA, which may cause issue if the pooches have sensitive skin. Most all the shampoo bases I looked at have either that or a laurethyl (or something along those lines) DEA, which also have issues with doggies with sensitive skin. I think any DEA will be a problem, but the cocamide isn't too bad, it's naturaly derived from the coconut.

I think I may give it a shot!!!! My pooch is a bully, old, but a definite Bubba attitude.... which EO should I get??? No fru-fru smell for my dog...LOL. Actually, it's more appropriate to say I am her human than referring to her as "my dog" :laugh2: .

(Edit to add) You can also add EO's or other things like aloe to prevent drying of the skin. Also keep in mind that the vet who said you should only wash your pooch once a month may have been referring to the chemical laden crap you buy at the pet or drug store.

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LOL I also think it's BS only to wash your dog once a month.. I have been looking through ingredients of all kinds of different dog shampoos and about their PH levels, and millcreeks base, seems to be a lot less mild than the regular dog shampoo.. I think I am going to try it.. My dogs do have sensitive skin and it's hard to find a dog shampoo that helps them.. The oatmeal shampoo is a joke!

I don't think I am going to scent it.. I'm going to add shea butter and aloe vera and see how that does..lol Don't know if it will work, but it's worth a try. :grin2:

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I had a lhasa apso years ago who was bathed every Friday. I had to wash im or he stunk. I also washed around his face in the middle of the week too. He had too much hair to ignore... Anyway, if you are just going to use the shampoo for your own dogs, then I would say go for it and buy a nice shampoo base. However, I just would not feel comfortable using a shampoo base that was not specifically designed for a dog if I had intentions of selling it. It does not seem that you have any intentions of doing that though.

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I don't know which base to recommend but here is some good info.





It looks like an all natural liquid or bar soap made with olive oil is good and safe to use.

Taken from one of the sites above "Our dog shampoo is made with high quality vegetable oil soap and is wonderful for dogs with dry skin."

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