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Ecosoya VB Tarts - combining EZsoy (cb)

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I've read a lot about Ecosoya VB and how it cracks if not poured at proper temp. I've read that the proper temp can be anywhere from 130 to 175...and that's a HUGE variance. Can someone give me a more concise number?

Also, to help with the cracking problem I'd like to add a little EZsoy. So, with that comes these questions:

1. How much EZsoy? (i.e. 1/4 EZsoy to 3/4 Ecosoya VB??)

2. What temps: to heat / add FO / pour?

Wish I had done a wee bit more homework before purchasing this Ecosoya VB. :shocked2: I now have a 10 pound bag to use up and I certainly don't like the idea that it causes cracks. I don't want to use straight EZsoy for the tarts since they feel a bit greasy when handled and smear when placed into cello bags....but it appears I chose the wrong wax for tarts when purchasing the Ecosoya VB. :o Drat! Any help will be greatly appreciated!



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I just went back and read the post (at BC site). She didn't say what temp she adds dye and FO, but that she pours right away after adding these. I think I would still add dye and FO at least 170 or a little higher and maybe pour it right away. I know a lot of people who use soy and also parrafin add their FO at 180 or 185. They say it incorporates the FO better. I haven't used the Ecosoya yet. What pouring temp does it say for that? I know with Ezsoy I have to pour slushy or I get major frosting. Is frosting an issue with the Ecosoya? I would try pouring both ways and see which makes a better looking tart.

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Well, I'm just having one hellofatime. I've poured in temps ranging from 130 to 175...added different portions of EZsoy and I still get cracks. Interestingly, the later it got in the day, the more cracked tarts I got. The first batch was poured at a temp of 130 and only ONE tart out of 7 cracked. Then the 7 tarts I poured right after stirring (so a temp of about 165) later into the evening ALL cracked. So, I'm wondering if "cooling too fast" has anything to do with it (as the later in the day it gets, the cooler the house temp gets). I wrote to Peaks (since that's where I purchased this wax) and hope that they can give a solution.

I'm up to my neck in Strudel & Spice tarts.......

...(I think that's a good thang :drool: )

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Ambient temperature does seem to affect soy wax more than you'd think it would. I have seen it affect frosting, sink holes, wet spots, cracking, and even burn rate with as little as a 5*F variance in ambient temp.

Try pouring in a room that is heated (or cooled) to above 76*F and see if that helps.

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I add a teeny bit of BW to it and it solves the problem. Then you don't have the softening of the wax and lowering MP with so much container soy with the VB. Since BW is sticky it becomes flexible, but you do not have to adjust wicking or anything.

I would try with 1 TBS PP and see how that works and go up as needed.

I use appx 2TBS PP but I think 1TBS would suffice.

Good luck!


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