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Newbie EO Question

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Hi All,

Newbie here (yep, received candle making stuff for Christmas :-).

I have soy wax, have been reading up, and am getting ready for the first big (well, in reality, very small) melt & pour. My question is whether I can use essential oils to scent soy wax candles. I have a big array of EO's (mainly from using in aromatherapy burners) , and would prefer to use them rather than fragrance oils. Advice on doing this (or reasons to not do it) would be greatly appreciated.


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Hi TIA ;):laugh2:

I am a newbie as well. I do not know from experience if oyu can use EO's in soy, but in my romping around and reading over the last few weeks, I did read some stuff:

Essential oils (commonly referred to as EO's) are all natural oils derived from plants and flowers and are not artificially composed like fragrance oils. They are sometimes more concentrated and stronger than many fragrance oils, and in other cases they may not be as strong as their synthetic counterparts. Most EO's are also much more expensive than FO's. There are many differing opinions as to whether EO's can be used in candles due to their ability to bind with the wax. Some candlemakers have success with them, but many have said they do not blend and burn well. I do know that they work well in soy wax though.


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Hi Bluereef,

I use some Eo's in soy & have had some success with some, less with others. I've had the best results in containers, 4oz tins so far,using EO's at 0.5-0.6 oz per lb wax.

Successes so far with patchouli, petitgrain, lavender, geranium & others but I haven't got my notes to hand.

I haven't settled on a particular soy cb yet but soy works differently for everyone so I won't recommend anything.

You will have to experiment & test like the rest of us but it's fun so enjoy playing & take lots of notes.


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Some eo's work in soy; others don't. Some stink like Coleman lantern fuel when burning. :lipsrseal You *can* put some of them in soy candles, but you'll have to experiment with which ones work. Some of the ones that smell like fuel are better in tarts, IMO.


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Not a lot of luck over here using pure essential oils, however, I do blend EO's and FO's and have had great luck. EO's aren't really oily like FO's and I think a lot of them just evaporate before they have a chance to release their scent. Like a previous post, some work better than others.


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