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A better candle dye?

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Hi everyone. I'm getting back in the groove after a long absence, and I noticed there's a new product out there.

Does anyone know anything about EVO dyes? They're advertised as being a really concentrated and odorless liquid, but without any "hazardous solvents."

My favorite has always been Peak's liquid dyes because you don't need to use a whole lot, and they don't stink like the ones I got from BCN. But they do have a little bit of a "fuel" smell that's noticeable in unscented candles.

Edited to say: oops, I forgot to mention that I want to use it in paraffin, but when I did a search they were talking about soy--not sure if that makes a difference.

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I've read good reviews about EVO dyes here in the vegetable wax forum. And just look at the beautiful candles Carrieqsxr6 posted in this thread:


I also saw supplies sites that sell EVO dyes which state they are suitable for most waxes including paraffin, so I guess you shouldn't have a problem. See CandleWic explanations:



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Thanks for the links, Eran. Those colors are beautiful, and if they look that nice in soy, I'd expect them to be even more intense in paraffin.

Bigcat, I went to Lonestar's site and looked at their liquid dyes, The names of the colors look like they might be the same as Peak's. In which case I agree, they are great dyes!

In the vegetable wax forum people are saying there's no smell at all from EVO dyes, but on the supplier's website it claims they have a "mild, pleasant" smell. I'm wondering how a dye can smell pleasant unless they put a chemical fragrance in it, in which case they could no longer call it non-toxic. Why can't anything be easy? :tongue2:

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