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I poured 1/2 pints today

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:yay: my stuff finally came in from farmhouse,soooo... i used 4# of wax, a touch of color and 4.5 oz. of peach fo..and made 10 1/2 pints..does this sound about right on amounts = amount made? the scent is wonderful, the color is peachy..of course they have been sitting for 3 hours, wicks are straight, and there is not alot of shrinking as of yet. i did relief holes. so now waiting to do repour..from what i read i should wait about 6 hrs?
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Did you get this all figured out yet? It's rather easy once you do it. The big thing I think may be getting in your way is the size of the pic your uploading to Photobucket.... if I interpreted your last post right. Maybe also which code to use from Photobucket and how put it here.

For pics posted here, 600 pixels wide seems a good size.

I could go on explaining things but without knowing if and what your troubles are, I'd probably just be babbling on.

I am very familair with Photbucket and even though new to Candletech, I am very knowledged in how to use the features of the message board... so if you need some more help, I'd be glad to fill in the peices.

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yes thank you, i can use your help. i uploaded to photobucket straight from memory card, and then when i finally got them to the candle gallery, i have one that is small and the other is huge. i have notice other peeps, they have a thumbnail, you click it to go to a larger size. that is what i want. i did a resize on photo bucket and it resized it, couldnt change it back that is why one is small. when you click it, its the same size. any help would be great.


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Alright, this is what I found:

There is an attachment function, symboled by a paper clip somewhere when you post (probably in the tool bar right above where you type your post, or maybe near the "submit reply" button. It's just like the paper clip used on most e-mail programs to attach something. I don't have the ability to attach things so I can't tell you exactly where this paperclip is. To see if you have the ability to attach things, when you start a new thread/topic, look near the bottom left of the posting box for "Posting Rules"; there it will tell you if you can add attachements. Someone asked why theirs isn't OK'd to do so, like I am not able to, back in October and no one answered in the how to use the message board forum. What determines if you can attach or not I have not been able to find that info.

If you are able to attach, there are size requirements. It will need to be below a certain size. There are probably two sizes; 1. The actual image size, most likely determined by pixels rather than inches, as well as file (image quality) size. I could not find that info either as to what the max file and actual image size are. Uploading to Photbucket, I could not find a place to change the file size, and you stated you found out how to change the image size while transfering them from the memory card to Photbucket. I take my pics at a high quality setting and using Photobuckets image resizer, the file size was probably higher than what they would allow here, even when image size was done at the web/e-mail setting; something like 350x 200 pixels or whatever. There are places on the web that will change file sizes for you. I don't know of any offhand, just do a search for online jpg resizing, or somehting along those lines if you need it. Make sure you can change both sizes once you find a place.

Another thing that seems to make pics look like a link is if someone uses a image hosting site that includes bogus coding. The cursor show it's a link and one would assume it will take you to a bigger copy of the image, but it just takes you to the sites main page.

If you cannot attach a pic in the "posting rules"; you can still use the thumbnail by using the code used on these forums. You'll need to upload a thumbnail size to Photobucket as well as the size you want it to link to. Use this code but remove the "X's" and leave the brackets:

[Xurl=http://www.vbulletin.comX] [XimgX]http://www.candletech.com/forums/images/statusicon/forum_new.gif[X/imgX] [X/urlX]. The first URL will be the big pic and the second URL will be the thumbnail that shows in the post.


Actually, either way listed above is kind of a lot of work when you can just use Photobucket to resize the image, and then just put it in here using the mountain icon in the toolbar above where you type and the url from Photobucket. Or from photobucket, you can just copy the listed IMG code and paste it right into your post without having to use the mountain button.

I would think the reason you got the big pic in your post is because you didn't resize the pic when you uploaded it to Photbucket from your memory card.

My apologies for any typos, I am ready to sleep and I am too lazy to proofread. Also, if you have any other questions after reading my novel :)... just ask :)

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wow thanks for the info, i will try to follow the directions on that. funny thing is i went last nite to look at pics again..and the large pic was a thumbnail, i clicked it and went to the bigger...must be some elfs taking care of me:D but no i dont have a paper clip either..i have also tried to find info on when and what determines what..

btw cute child there..:smiley2: he looks real impressed

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