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Need some help with web site photos

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Hi all!

I am trying to figure out how to lay out my pics for my site. I just can't decide!

I know these aren't perfect (some of them are kinda fuzzy and not all the votives are showing their lables well) but I'm thinking more layout/angle type thing right now. I just got my new camera about a month ago and I'm still working on learning all the bells and whistles on it!

Please, PLEASE let me know what you think...

Life & Light!


PS - To those of you doing juried shows, do you just submit your web site photos or do you have a special set that you submit? I have a *HUGE* show next summer that I want to get into and I have no clue on where to start! TIA





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I think quality-wise, the close up of the third one on the right would be the format I would try to use for my photos.

If you need to take more photos, I would trim up on the excelsior a little bit, and drop a votive into the votive container instead of using whatever it is that is stuffed in the glass. Also, on the third photo there is something blue at the bottom of the box--I can't tell if it's salts or a sponge. Could you maybe straighten it out and curve it around the bottom of the box?

When I submit my photos I always use a standard set. I took some photos that I was happy with, and I stick with those.

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Excelsior? what do you mean by that? In the votive cups I have just white tissue paper in there - maybe I could use some colored stuff in there instead. I don't want to add another candle in there because 1- they smudge on the glass when you shift them around and 2- I am trying to keep the cost of the box around $10 - this particular one is $11.50 - and adding another votive raises the price. The blue thing at the bottom of the box is a soap sachel (aka soap sack from aftertherayne.com ). I have it packaged in a large zip lock bag - but the bag isn't long enough for it (plus I get comments on it when it's straight - think adult type comments... ahem... ) but I could try shrink wrapping it or something... and try curving it around the corner...

Back to the shop to do photos... thanks for the input... :)

Life & Light!


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I believe excelsior is what they call that hairy, straw like stuff in your box. When I make gift baskets with votive cups, if I don't include a votive in the cup I just leave it empty. Maybe I should have filled it with something. Maybe clear cellophane?

Instead of adding an extra votive, couldn't you take one you are already using and drop it in there, then you could wrap the soap sack in that area. Just a thought.

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I just call that stuff wood curl because I don't even know what it's called. When I go into the floral wholesalers they know exactly what I'm talking about when I call it that! lol I've got some clear cello... I think I even have some blue and other colors too (I don't throw anything away, I swear!). When I put the votive in the cup, I'll shrink wrap it quick so that way it doesn't rub against the glass (DUH - don't know why I didn't think of that before!). After supper, I'll run out to the studio for a spell and see what I can come up with... :)

Thanks for the input!

Life & Light!


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You need light. Lots of light.

I can see the glare of the flash on the votive cup. You may want to google bounce/fill flash or light box and see what you can come up with to eliminate that. I've got a few tricks you can try, but I don't know what camera you are using or what you've got to work with.

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I've been thinking about lighting, GG, and playing around with different things I have around the house. The pictures I have here are with the flash on (obviously), I have a few that I took with the flash off and some "filtered" light but because I wiggled too much (I hadn't yet got my tripod out ;) ) it was blurry as heck! I have a new Cannon PowerShot 6mp point and shoot camera (I wanted to get the Nikon digital camera that I could use the same lenses as my Nikon 35mm - but that was over $1000 - but a girl can dream... ). I can turn off all the bells and whistles on this one and do it the "old fashioned" way but I figured I'd play around with the settings I had first. It's been so long since I've taken pictures (other than of the kids anyway), that I'm having to relearn how to do it! If you have any hints or tricks, I'd greatly appriciate them! :D

Life & Light!


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I like the second and the third one. I would definitely recommend a light box. You can make one very easily with less than $20. And I would recommend fluorescent or daylight lightbulbs, 2 lights (one for each side of the light box. This way you do not even need to use your flash. You can try a picture program like Adobe or Photoshop, I think they are free versions online, that you can use to tinker with your pics and create the illusion of having a lightbox. Here is one of your photos after I tinkered a bit with my JASC Paint Shop Pro, not my best work, but wanted to give you an example:grin2:


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As far as a light box goes is this what you are talking about?

Strobist web page here

I have all the materials here - heck I think I even have some bleached cotton muslin and some 2x2's that I could make a more perminate one. :rockon: Up until I started my business I did just nature shots (that's what my dad taught me to do) so I know very little about all the gadgets and doodads for indoor photography. I'm thinking that if I can find the right kind of green tag board, I'll do a green background for my web site and white for my jury shots. The green background will go well with my site and my logo colors are green, purple and ivory. :D

I wish I didn't have to go do the holiday thing this weekend!! I want to go play now! Especially since I took a bunch more pictures and none of them looked like I wanted them too - now I know... :yay:

Thanks so very much for the help!!!

Life & Light!


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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks to all of you who answered my questions... I think I have it figured out. :yay: I'm still playing with the light and trying to get the brightness and angle right but here's what I've got so far... It's kinda cold out in the shop so the jars are a bit frosted but when I take the "for real" pictures, they'll be in better shape - same with the jute twine I use to hang my tags - I couldn't for the life of me find my scissors! :rolleyes2

Let me know what you think - any additional tips??

Life & Light!






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Not bad. Fill the picture with product as much as possible, you don't really need to show much background. Fold the soap sack thing in half, and tie with a co-ordinating ribbon, and ditch the plastic bag. And yes, shrink wrap a votive and put it in the glass. There's something called paper shred that's like tightly crinkled strips of paper: very bouncy & filling, comes in lots of colours, and you don't need very much per basket.

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Those would actually be great if you used your flash now. But take it from an angle so that the flash will not bounce off of the glass. I know with these digital candles its hard to appropriate the lighting. SLR's are usually better. That is where Photoshop comes in handy.

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I found a way to kind of difuse the light from the flash - removeable scotch tape! :) I just put a peice over the flash itself and it helps spread the light out... I was just playing with it today so I'll see if it works in a lightbox setting tomorrow. I'm also going to work on putting the light source (a halogen work lamp) a bit further away so there isn't as much of a glare on the jars. I am actually kinda likeing this camera now that I figured out how to set the apature and shutter speed... ;)

Thanks for the input gals! I'll post some of the new pics when I get them taken. I'm hopeing to get some soap shots this weekend!

Life & Light!


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Even with the best home set up, usually some editing needs to be done.

I took one of your pics into photoshop (you can do it with Paint Shop Pro too) and I cropped it, did some adjustments in the contrast and color then removed the background. I also trimmed the fray. There is some glare from the flash, but once you have diffused the flash, that won't be an issue.

If you don't already have an image editing program, you may want to consider getting one. It will add value to your photos if you are alble to edit them to look their best. That value will end up back in your pocked via sales.



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I found a way to kind of difuse the light from the flash - removeable scotch tape! :) I just put a peice over the flash itself and it helps spread the light out... Tish

Done this when photographing my fish tanks .. so that the flash didn't reflect off the tank glass but used a piece of thick paper. (the seahorses weren't too fond of the flash in their eyes either!!)

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