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Scent Personalities


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Have you guys heard or Urban Botanic? They allow you to create a fragrance business with a lot of incentives. Whether you're interested in that aspect, I found they have a really cool fragrance personality test. You guys should all go take it!

The test is cool because it doesn't just lump you into a category. You get your own profile with different percentages of your fragrance personality. I'm very Leafy, and Spicy, which means those types of scents would portray my personality very well. And I have to agree with it. It also gives you a description of yourself and mine was DEAD ON! So... I'm Leafy/Spicy - WHAT ARE YOU??? :D

Floral pink_pix.gif 19% Fruity orange_pix.gif 17% Herby yellow_pix.gif 7% Leafy green_pix.gif 24% Spicy pix.gif 24% Woodsy blue_pix.gif 9%

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It says I B Leafy!

Floral: 24%

Fruity: 16%

Herby: 7%

Leafy: 25%

Spicy: 7%

Woodsy: 22%

"Leafies are the most creative people on the planet and they approach every aspect of life with originality. Sometimes Leafies have extremist and nonconformist ideas. They're very interesting to listen to as they can spout details about everything under the sun."

That's me! A walking encyclopedia of useless knowledge! LOL

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Floral: 18%

Fruity: 8%

Herby: 20%

Leafy: 26%

Spicy: 7%

Woodsy: 21%



I don't spend hours in the library anymore...that's been replaced by the internet! And like moonshadow, I'm a walking encyclopedia of useless knowledge...you know... the dorky person you hate to do crosswords with or watch game shows with because they know all the stupid answers? Yep, that's me!

"They're very innovative thinkers & inventors, often working on several ideas & theories at the same time"

And all this time I thought is was ADD comprimised by multiple personalities...it's not...I'm just a leafy!:whoohoo:

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wow...that's cool...it is pretty darn close!

I'm a Woodsy with very strong Leafy influences! :cool2:

As a Woodsy, you are a very strong, independent person with great dignity. You know what you want and go for it. You are a very quick thinker and because of that, you may often talk very fast. You are bold, powerful, and have what it takes to get a task done. You.re a strong, silent, nature lover and care deeply about the environment.

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