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Oh, My Gosh, That's it....


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I have seen it all....from the lady who thought the incense holder was a shoehorn to the guy who thought I sold hot dogs (I sell soap....where did he get hot dogs? He actually asked for two hot dogs!)

I have come to believe that sprinkled among the thousands of wonderful people out there are a few who shouldn't be driving, reproducing or operating heavy machinery. :)

Regarding other vendors, I have a pretty firm discipline to never spend more than $10 at any show, on any merchandise. If I spend more than that, I'm cutting into my own profits. So I've passed up a bunch of great stuff, but rarely regret it. At a huge show I did last summer with my perfumes & incense, I had this one teen gal who repeatedly asked to "trade". She hung around and sniffed everything in the booth. Turned out her mom made expensive hand-knit scarves (beautiful) and a "trade" would have cost me half my booth. I have no idea what she was thinking....from her designer clothes & purse & shoes she sure as hell could have afforded a $3.00 pack of incense. She did finally buy it with cash, but it was like pulling teeth. ???

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Just remembered another "trade person". I have nothing against trading with other vendors but last fall I was doing a show with DS & DIL. Amy went to the pottery place across from us and bought a vase that she liked the first day. The lady knew what was in our booth as she chatted about it. The next day she comes over to us near closing with a small and ugly piece of pottery, walks all around looking at stuff and then wants to trade Amy for candles. Gotta love my DIL-she has the guts that I don't. She told the woman, "I bought what I wanted from you yesterday and don't need to trade today"!!! Funny the woman thought she should choose what she wanted but we could only have the ugly pot!


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