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eternity candle

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I tried my first eternity candle today and it was a mission failed. :undecided The whole candle cracked and it didn't want to release from the mold. Anyway, I don't know if I'm doing this correctly, and was wondering if someone can help? I took a glass oyster, flipped it open side down to the bottom of the sealed mold. Then I made up my wax as usual and poured into a warm mold and then into a water bath. The glass created some kind of suction because it didn't bugde when I tried to move it. So to finish cooling I popped it in the fridge. When I took it out the wax was pulled away from the sides, but it wouldn't come out. So I'm thinking the glass got stuck. I finally got it out in pieces and examined it. The top was all broken off too. I didn't use any mold release because generally I don't need to with this palm. Am I even doing some of this the right way? I read some previous threads on it but none explain how to make them. Sorry for the rant! ~TIA


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