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Amy at Rustic Escentials

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Does anyone know an email address direct to Amy at Aroma Haven/RE?

I received an order today and one bottle had leaked empty all over the other samples and the labels were all off. I have no clue what is what. I ordered these while they had their $1.00 sample sale. The only email address that I found on their website was tech support and I did email them and asked them to get to whomever it went to.:cry2:

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I'm sure that must be very frustrating....I just received my order today (also from the $1 sample sale) - I know it is such a silly thing, but I love that she throws in a few candies....today I really (!!) needed them! I'm sure you'll get a fast response/resolution from her. I have always received awesome cs!

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I know what you mean about the added touch of the candy -- I always order from Cajun Candle (whether I need to or not) during Mardi Gras, cause I love opening the box & finding the beads they include. They also send a short story about why beads are thrown during Mardi Gras. The regional significance just makes me feel good. I love the extra effort -- are there any other suppliers that personalize their shipments?


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