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golden shea - how do I melt it?


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OK stupid question - I know how to melt it, but when it re-hardens it seems to "bloom" - it crystalizes into these cauliflower shaped warts literally climbed out of the molds I was trying to use.

I tried it on its own and with a little FO - same result. I haven't worked with it as an ingredient yet.

I love the golden shea - it's texture is everything I'm looking for - but I need to figure this out. (Thankfully it's not grain, but it sure is UGLY).

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Michelle, did you ever try letting it harden up iwthout adding it to anything else?

I will have to add it to my lotion bars and see how it does in combination with other oils & butters. At this point I was just melting it alone and letting it solidify into little molds (since it's so nice on its own). I did use a microwave.

I'll try a few things, I guess - tempering it (holding it hot for a while), putting it right into the freezer maybe, melting more gently, melting hotter...

Or maybe it's just me!

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How are you allowing it to harden? If you are leaving it sitting out, try putting them into the freezer to harden faster. If that doesn't help, try turning your oven on to heat it up, then put it in there and turn the oven off and allow them to harden up more slowly. If possible, cover the molds too to add extra insulation so they harden even slower.

If that doesn't work, maybe add just a smidge of oil, like for 16 oz add 1/2 of some liquid oil.

I used this mixed with a small amount of another liquid oil and EO, poured into small silicone molds and left it do harden in my kitchen. It was December and it would have been about 60-62 degrees inside at the time and I had no problems at all, but my kitchen then was on the cooler side.


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