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SOS Fragrance Oils


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I just got some of my fragrance oils today from Save On Scents. I thought Id give my opinion on them! I am judging my first opinion of these scents OOB!! I do not yet know how they will respond in wax and bath and body products!

  1. Leather- Wow, I was actually impressed with this one! I can see making a line for men and maybe adding some musk to it! Car fresheners or office candles for men would be great with this one if it responds well in wax.
  2. Coffee Cake-I can smell the almond, cinnamon, butter and a baked scent with this one.
  3. Cherry Spice-nice scent without over powering cherry notes!
  4. Country Christmas-Im not a fan of pine so this one is hard for me to judge. I smell the pine and a bit of musk along with something I cant pinpoint!
  5. Almond Biscotti-I so wanted to make a trip to our local Java house to get one after smelling this! I eat these darn things and this sure smells like one OOB!
  6. White Musk-Mild scent OOB with a slight floral scent added
  7. Banana Nut Bread-I can smell the bananas, the nuts and a nail polish remover smell OOB! LOL Hope this one does well in wax.
  8. Design Type-light floral and musk scent. Nice
  9. Musk-Mild scented
  10. Agree Type-I used to love this stuff and cant wait to try it in B&B products but OOB, it is very mild and something about it seems off.
  11. Dessert Rain-I can smell a powdering scent mixed in. Nice mixture, mild scent OOB.
  12. China Rain-Very mild scent. Hard to even smell to judge!

There ya have it! I will post more after I have tested these scents out! Just thought Id share! Id say there are at least 8-10 winners OOB out of 12!

God Bless,


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LMBO!!! Na girl! I was actually sniffing MY design! YOU peaked my interest! LOL I got one for myself to try! Not bad! LOL Thanks! I never would have gotten it had it not been for you wanting it!

YOURS is packed in a Jello box already to go to the PO!!

Have fun with it and DO post pictures! LOL

God Bless,


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Roflmbooo----'Jello box'.... ain't she great? I got me some shipping deals goin' on up in heya!

I haven't even smelled this yet!!! But I work for a very sophisticated lady who is such a picky butt... the type who says 'Oh don't buy me anything....really.' And she means it because she is THAT picky, lol. I heard her oohhing over it and thought.... now THAT is something I can do for her. She keeps her Candlelite consultant in clothes, I tell ya. So I thought I'd try to lean her towards tarts also and maybe if I get adventerous enough... make her a roomspray out of it. It's that or the deck shuffler she mentioned last year, lol.

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