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I'm new at this candle making thing. And I need some advise. We got approached about doing a fundraiser for a church on Dec 20th. They wanted a bunch of X-mas scent we don't carry. And I don't want to get stuck with after X-mas. Plus now they want us to drop our prices.(50cents) What would you do??? :undecided Our candle prices are already a dollar or so cheaper then the ones we seen at the craft shows... :confused:

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December 20th...and today is November 15th. If you decide to cave in and order the scents that they want it will only give you about a month to test them. What's wrong with what you have now? What about a compromise?

As far as them telling you how much to charge, if your candles are already cheaper than most in your area I would reaffirm that to them. It sounds to me that they want to run the fundrasier...and you. As much as you want to get your candles out there I'm not sure if this one is such a good idea. I said no to a fundraiser for a daycare center because they wanted the candles for almost nothing.


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My advice is to pass.

If you just started making candles, you should really test and test and test until you are satisfied with your product. What would happen if you sold 100 candles and they all burned out after 2 hours (it happens, believe me!)

Pass this time and do more testing until you have the perfect candle, then catch 'em next year.

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I don't think they are trying to run you, but they are the craftshow. I would ask them why they are requesting the price drop. I would also explain to them the reasoning of why you would prefer to use your current scents (and pricing) Being that I worked in a church office for two years, I know a little about being on that side of the desk. Don't just assume that since they are church goers that they are trying to make you bend to suit them. Usually the suggestions made are truly made for a reason. Wouldn't hurt to ask what they are.

If you are truly new to candles, I would go ahead and pass anyway. If you have a not-so-perfect product now, and end up perfecting it down the road, you've already lost your reputation. :)

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Ok, I will operate under the assumption that even though you said you are new, you didn't just start making candles yesterday.

Since your prices are already cheaper, don't cut the price any further. Tell the church lady that at this late in the season you can't order a bunch of holiday scents. Tell her she has a few different options:

a) Go with the scents you already have

B) Pay an additional fee for the holiday scented candles

c) Buy and pay for (a certain quantity) of candles up front.

I think it would be hilarious to tell her that instead of dropping your fee, you'll have to raise your fee for the holiday scents. If she had gotten in touch with you in October, it would be a different story. Tell her what you said here--if they don't sell, you'll be stuck with them and lose money and that's why you won't be able to do it unless she agrees to one of the options above.

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For Sharing your opinions. I feel much better now. I've been doing research on making candles for over a year. And I have a friend which helps me who's been making candles for over a year and a half. But me myself I have only been making candles for a couple months with help from my friend. So I'm still a newbie. But, because of the cost of everything I didn't want to get stuck with a bunch of candles that wouldn't sell after X-mas. So I told her that I was SORRY but she would have to go with our scent & our price. If she wanted us to make the candles for her fundraiser. Since we were so new. :o

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