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how to keep fizz fresh..


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I don't KNOW exactly, but I THINK the only thing that prolongs the shelf life of anything that fizzes is to make absolute sure it is stored AIR TIGHT. Air (and heat & damp weather) carry moisture and that's what (normally) kills the fizz. It may not be enough to 'set it off' in any obvious way, but somehow it weakens it. If you are having a problem with dampness or your fizz's early demise I would suggest putting something like a Dri-z-air contraption in the room where your finished product is stored. Are you familiar with these little bucket things that you put the white pearly things that suck the water out of the air. They are cheap and all you do is replace the pearls now and then.

I wonder if a little bag of silica (like you see in the box of a new pair of shoes and lots of other things) inside the packet would A: work, lol B: be safe to the product and end user? Something to think about!

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I don't KNOW exactly, but I THINK the only thing that prolongs the shelf life of anything that fizzes is to make absolute sure it is stored AIR TIGHT. Air (and heat & damp weather) carry moisture and that's what (normally) kills the fizz. It may not be enough to 'set it off' in any obvious way, but somehow it weakens it. If you are having a problem with dampness or your fizz's early demise I would suggest putting something like a Dri-z-air contraption in the room where your finished product is stored. Are you familiar with these little bucket things that you put the white pearly things that suck the water out of the air. They are cheap and all you do is replace the pearls now and then.

I wonder if a little bag of silica (like you see in the box of a new pair of shoes and lots of other things) inside the packet would A: work, lol B: be safe to the product and end user? Something to think about!

thanks we keep everything tight & stored great...just wondered if there was another way. I try not to make things ahead of someones order but I have some clients/family who like to keep them cuz there "pretty":undecided and wont use any time soon...silly I know, but my mom is one of those. Good grief, she knows where to get them too lol:tongue2:

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Lol.. I hear you. My oldest sister gave me a bit of very wise advice. See, we did not grow up having anything we 'wanted'.. barely what we needed. So all of us kids (5) have a habbit of hoarding nice things, lol...and she said to me one day...'Candles are for burning, not gawking at. That wick in there is there for a reason. If someone buys you a nice candle or pretty soap... they wanted you to ENJOY it. And you should USE it in order to do so fully! Do you not deserve to actually use it?" I never forgot this. It seems simple I know but so many people do as you mention. They just keep things & look at them. That kind of kills the benefit of dealing in 'consumable goods'. :undecided Lol

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