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Did my 1st vending on the streets!


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Hey All,

Well I did it. I did my first street vending on Sunday. Did ok not great. Sold like 8 candles. I was just so wasted after. Standing in the cold for 6 hours! Are we insane people or what?! I guess we just got that "Passion of the Wax" LOL!

Anyway now that it's over, I feel like I am coming down from the high of preping for it. And I wonder if anyone else goes through that or is it just me? And now I am thinking I could either bag it or I could push on ward and do it next weekend.

I guess having a dream is easy but making the dream happen takes WORK!

I guess we have good days and not so good days selling.

The other street vendors were real supportive. Telling me just that. Good days and really bad days.

I guess the good news it, I sell 8 candles. That 8 more than zero, right?

Any positive reinforement would be good to hear.



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Keeping the right attitude is key when you are out there trying to peddle your candles and even after the show. Don't get me wrong, you have the right attitude! Selling 8 candles is more than what you would have done by sitting home and doing nothing! Perhaps next week or thereafter you can double or triple that. We all have to start somewhere and we all take baby steps when we first start out. Every show or sale is different. The craft show you do one week can be totally different the next week. My best advice is keep pluggin' along, you can do it! Just don't make the mistake I see so many crafters do....which is just sitting behind their tables and not saying anything. Get on your feet, and sell your product. It makes all the difference in the world...Good luck, have fun and you can do it!

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Hey, I've had shows in the past where I would have been happy selling 8.

Keep at it. Many times I got discourged and thought about quitting.

I whent a year after we lost everything to a house fire, and missed it, could'nt wait till we rebuilt so I could start again. Thats been a year since we moved into our new house, I've done two shows this year and might of not got rich, but I did come out ahead, so stick with it.

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I think for the first two years I pretty much gave everything away just to get my product out there..my hope was once they tried one of my candles or soaps I would get returning business...I remember I did a huge basket for an auction, I shudder to think how much $$ retail was in the basket..one of the items was a 12lb cinnamon sugar cookie loaf..the day after the auction, the person that bid on the basket..which btw got $45.00 in bids for a basket that was probably $350.00 retail..the bidder wanted to purchase another 12lb loaf from me..when I told her $25.00 I never heard from again. The best move I made business wise was hook up with the local Chamber of Commerce and Welcome Wagon..whenever someone new moved to town and would get gifts from local merchants something of mine was included in the basket..I also donate candles weekly to our hospice care center for gifts for care givers..didn't do it for the business just did it for myself for when I took care of my sister..it turned out it generated a following that I truly didn't expect. So selling 8 jars is way ahead of where I was a couple of years ago..I was giving them away..keep plucking away at it..when you do what you love..others will learn to love it also.

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