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Which Wax

Guest amynleebishop

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Guest amynleebishop

I am debating on switching to soy from paraffin and cannot decide if that is the route I want to go. I know from previous reading that the soy burns cleaner but I really never had a problem with the 1275 blend producing alot of soot.

This is what I want to accomplish......My candles burn even and clean with the 1275 but the last batch I got from C&S was bad so I am a little gun shy to buy that particular wax again but I loved the results I got from that wax. I went to a craft expo this weekend and there were three crafters that had soy candles....I really did not like the appearance of their candles, they did not seem smooth and creamy like mine, the scent throw was great though both cold and hot (they had some burning) :confused: Is this the way soy looks or was it the people that made the candles? Any suggestions?

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Straight soy can appear a bit frosty. I started out using soy and switched to paraffin for a number of reasons. Frosting, long cure times, and a lot of scents simply won't throw in soy...period. I guess it requires a great deal of patience waiting the appropriate amount of time for it to cure, be willing to throw out a lot of scents that will never throw in it, and be willing to buy other waxes to add to it to improve it's appearance. I guess I just don't have that kind of patience. If you are going to switch to soy, it would be wise to purchase fragrance oils from suppliers that state they have tested their oils in soy (KY Candle Wax Supply is one who provides this info, there are also others but I can't think of them off hand)...it will save you a lot of money in the long run. There are many on this board that love soy and do very well with it. It would probably be helpful to search the veggie section of this board and read some of their posts so that you can learn more.

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I was a straight parafin user for the first 5 years of making candles and when astro sold, I had nothing but problems with the j50 so I tested a lot of waxes. I had customers requesting soy, so I tested some of those-God bless the ones who have the patience to deal with straight soy. I now use the GL 70/30 blend and get the benifit of both types of waxes. It is great I have had a few jars frost, but it was because I poured too cold. This wax is very easy to use and has an awesome hot and cold throw and burns awesome. HTH


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I also had a bad batch of the 1275, and received a replacement case. It's as good as ever. I contemplated switching, but did not want to retest everything I have done for the last 3 years. 1275 is the best of both waxes in my opinion.

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