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Which is Bigger an HTP 126 or HTP 1212?

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I am wondering which is bigger an HTP 126 or HTP 1212? I'm currenty using a 1212 in most of my wide mouth Masons with a 3" opening but I feel that it is a tad to hot because by the time it gets toward the bottom of the jars they get very hot and they smoke like crazy when I blow them out. I tried the HTP 105 but it won't work. I have also tried double wicking with two ECO 4's they are to hot, but with two ECO 2's the flame fizzles down to almost nothing. I have also tried the largest wicks in both RRD's and ECO's and they don't quite cut it either so I'm wondering if the HTP 126 is in between a 105 and 1212 in size. I have been at this for about a year and have had a lot of people wanting to buy some of my candles. I have gotten my wicks figured out in my smaller jars but not the wide mouths. I will NOT SELL a candle that I don't feel is safe.

I was Looking at the chart at Atkins & Pearce and it shows the HTP listed before the 1212 and it says that wicks sizes are measured in yards per pound in weight and that the higher the yield the smaller the wick. The 126 has a higher yield then the 1212 but then it shows that it has a higher rate of consumption, a larger flame,and bigger melt pool then the 1212 so I'm confused..Which wick would be a larger wick then? The HTP 1212 or 126? Here is the link to the wick chart. I know I have written a lot in here so thanks in advance to everyone who takes the time to read this and tries to muddle through what I'm talking about.


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Where do I find that size cotton? I just checked both Peaks and Bittercreek North and don't see them. Peak has cotton core wick but in a 60 and 65..no 62. I found a 62-52-18C at Mill Creek is this the wick you mean? Sorry to sound dumb here but I'm not familiar with the cotton wicks.

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I've tested the 126's in the widemouth jars and with my wax, they did not work for me. The 62 works great and with some FOs, the 60 will work also. If you do a search, there has been a few discussions about the 126's that you can read that might provide you with some insight. For me, I think this jar does not look right when dw'd but that is my opinion. I did consider dw'ing TNC's Warm Orange Gingerbread but opted not to because I just don't like the look. I now put that FO in a different jar all together. You can also try the CD 20 & 22, ECO 12 & 14 and RRD 55 in this jar.

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Thanks all! I will order some cottons. I can't believe how many wicks I have around here. I also might try double wicking with HTPs. I am not at all sure of if I'd like the looks of them double wicked or not, plus won't they burn quicker? I have 62,73,83,93 which one of these should I try starting with?

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