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Why add soy to paraffin tarts??

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Hi all :) I use all paraffin for my tarts. I happen to have some Golden Brands container wax (thank you, Jason), and have been thinking about adding it to the paraffin just for the heck of it. My question is, why would you add soy (other than to lower the melting point since it's a container wax) to paraffin tarts? Are there any benefits? I know with candles, soy is supposed to burn cleaner and all that jazz, but are there any benefits to adding soy to paraffin tarts? Just curious. Thanks guys :)


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I doesn't have to be soy, but I know that's what you have because of your post.

Mixing container wax, weather paraffin or soy, with votive/pillar wax for tarts can give a better scent throw than just the votive/pillar wax alone. So mix 25% of your soy container wax with 75% of your paraffin pillar wax and compare the throw of this with your plain paraffin and see if there is a difference. I believe you will smell a great difference.

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It aslo causes less shrinkage. I use OK6228/J50 for my tarts. Although OK6228 is a preblend, it shrinks like crazy and no matter how cool I pour, there is always a big dip in the middle of the tart. When I add J50 to it and pour around 150, I get nice smooth tops with no dips. I've also done this with straight paraffin and get the same results.

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