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stupid question

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This may sound like a really stupid question...but I was reading thru all the posts and new and different ideas and all the different types of wax. There has to be a chart somewhere that lists what all the categories of waxes fall under. I work mainly with J50 and Astro V and 5055 for canes. So do these fall under paraffin? Is there a wax that is straight paraffin? Or, for instance, is J50 considered just paraffin? I know soy is totally something else and beeswax also. Do you know what I mean? I was just curious about this. I hope you all don't think I'm really out there somewhere...sometimes I am. But some of the waxes are hard and some are soft but would they all be paraffin? Well enough said, I hope I get an answer or a site that has the listing for what I am asking. Thanks for reading this....Dee

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About 5 minutes should do....

then you can play again.........:bliss: after all it is saturday.

With so many choices it can be confusing. But if it's marked paraffin or soy or para/soy blend etc. then that's what it is. The paraffin container waxes tend to be softer for different reasons. Easy pour, better glass adhesion etc. Paraffin pillar wax is harder for obvious reasons of being able to stand alone, etc. Keep reading it'll all come to ya....:smiley2:

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Good for you for asking :) I think it's important to know everything you can about your trade. Very briefly.......

Petroleum waxes are refined from gas/oil and there are 3 types; paraffin, microcrystallines and petrolatum. Paraffin is refined from crude oil, can have different amounts of oil in it and differerent melting points,different grades...lower melt point used in container, higher in pillars. Microcrystallines are usually used as additives, petrolatum is a blend of micro and oil and is used in containers.

Beeswax, well it comes from bees :cheesy2:

Then there are the vegetable/plant waxes like soy, bayberry and palm

and then Synthetic waxes like gel which are man made.

That's the nutshell, of course the above can be expanded on and you can do more research if you are so inclined. HTH

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