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Newbie Here!!! I Need Criticism, PLEASE!!!

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First of all, HI EVERYBODY!!! Nice to meet you.

I've spent hours reading through this forum and I am beat. I have a 1-month old baby and I want to get this "hobby" underway. So, could someone feel pity on me and give me some advice as how to get the best candle with the supplies I've got? Or tell me if I need to get something I don't have? My only concern is a great hot throw.

Here's what I've got:

NVSoy container wax. - I know, I know...I got suckered in but, that's what started my addiction...er hobby. LOL

EcoSoya CB 135

5 oz. TVG Apothecary jars - 2.5" diameter

16 oz. TVG Apothecary jars - 4" diameter

NG FO - all 1 oz. samples

Bermuda Triangle

Butt Naked

Downy Clean Breeze

I have liquid dyes from NG but, I think I have decided to go uncolored.

HTP-52 Wicks

This will help me alot. As well as give me some kind of basis to start with when going to a different jar or FO or wax...LOL SOOOOO many variables. OK, I admit it, I'm Blond.

I promise I won't ask for anyone to hold my hand again.

Thank You All,


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I would think at this point (the beginning) you need to research wicks just a bit....That HTP isn't gonna work in the 16 oz apothecary (imo)......So figure out which wicks you want to try, and buy a sampler pack (several different sizes) and begin! It's almost as easy as that. Wicking is going to be the most difficult. I can tell you that the 16 oz apothecary is probably going to need to be double wicked. After you decide on wicks, do a search for the type you have decided on for a starting point....If you believe the HTP will work in the smaller jar you have, melt your wax, add your fragrance and go for it! You have to just jump in - then test it to see if that wick will work with your wax, jar and fragrance....Have you read what types of supplies you need? Like thermometer, scale, something (glue, wick stickums, or??) to hold your wick to the bottom of the container, something to keep your wick centered as the wax hardens, either presto pot or double boiler method to melt your wax, and I'm sure there is more I am not thinking of now.Keep good notes as it will make it easier for you to perfect your candle.HTH - have fun!

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Hi welcome to the forum!

I've only been making candles day and night for 8 months (since I'm a sahw with no kids, that's all I do!). I'd have to say that if you're using soy an HTP52 will not work for you in a 2.5" jar. You need to wick higher with this wax. Like smart tart said you're best bet is to order some sample wick packs and let the madness begin! There's a ton of info on here and in the archives. Good luck!

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Welcome to your newest addiction :highfive:. If you go to CandleScience.com

they have a wick guide where you can chose the 135 and size container- it'll give you some wick recommendations. Would be a good starting point as far as wicks w/that wax.



PS- Have fun, and good luck

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I agree that your wicks are way too small for your jars. I'd get some sampler packs of wicks and just start testing. BCN is a good place for sample packs but I would try to find a place closest to you for supplies - shipping can be a killer. ;)

For the 5 oz. (2.5' diameter) apothocary jar, I would start with an HTP 104 or 105 and adjust as necessary. For the 16 oz jar (4' inch diameter), I would dw it starting with (2) 73's and adjust accordingly. To start off with too, I would not use any dyes until you have tested to see how your wax and wicks work together. But know that once you add the dyes, it will change your wicking. There is alot of great deal of information available on this board so I would also do as much reading as you can. Keep notes of all of your testing too. It is important too that you get a scale so that you can weigh your wax and FOs. Some folks use measureing spoons and cups for their FOs but I don't. A scale allows you to maintain consistency since each FO can weigh differently due to some being heavier or lighter than others. Good luck and just dive right in and have fun.:D

Edited to add; Welcome to the board.

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Hi there, welcome! I was going to add some advice, but I see everybody else said what I woud have said. You will be challenged to do this and take care of your one month old crumb cruncher, so keep it simple. Test one FO in one jar, then move on to another FO. Don't allow yourself to get overwhelmed with too many testers going at once! And take lots of good notes! If you would like, after you get in a few more postes, you can PM me with your email address and I can send you a Word doc that will help you with testing.

geek :cool2:

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Welcome to your newest addiction :highfive:. If you go to CandleScience.com

they have a wick guide where you can chose the 135 and size container- it'll give you some wick recommendations. Would be a good starting point as far as wicks w/that wax.



PS- Have fun, and good luck

Ecosoya CB 135/2.5-3 Inch Diameter

Best: LX-162nd Best: HTP 52Acceptable: 51-32-18ZECO 2RRD 37

Just wanted to let you know that's why I bought those wicks. I did make a candle with it and it was just a hair too small. Left just a little wax on the glass. I am in the process of getting some cotton wicks. I'll try the next size up HTP and a 60 cotton and see what happens. I'm really interested in this Butt Naked FO.



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Here is something to consider also. When trying to find what wick you are going to use, go ahead and pour the container with no wick at all. When it is dry and you are ready to try it, use a skewer or a wick pin or something, and poke a hole where you want your wick to be. Then just pop a wick in the hole. If the wick isnt working, blow out the candle, let it dry, pull out the old wick and stick a new wick in the hole. Im telling you this because when I was a newbie, I just made up a ton of candles all with different wicks and started burning them. Blah! What I waist, LOL! :D

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Here is something to consider also. When trying to find what wick you are going to use, go ahead and pour the container with no wick at all. When it is dry and you are ready to try it, use a skewer or a wick pin or something, and poke a hole where you want your wick to be. Then just pop a wick in the hole. If the wick isnt working, blow out the candle, let it dry, pull out the old wick and stick a new wick in the hole. Im telling you this because when I was a newbie, I just made up a ton of candles all with different wicks and started burning them. Blah! What I waist, LOL! :D

Thank you so much. I will do just that.

I won't be ordering Butt Naked from Millcreek. LOL

I got mine from NG.



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