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Have you used J50 wax?

Guest amynleebishop

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Guest amynleebishop

I am expecting a case of J50 today and I have heard different oppinions on it. Does it have a good scent throw? Does it burn even? Help!!

Update: I LOVE THIS WAX!!!!!! It cures much brighter and much more evenly than the waxs I have used b4.

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I use the J50 for all my jars and I love it! It has a great scent throw for me using z wicks. I do get some wet spots, but they don't seem to bother anyone but me! And I find it very easy to work with, hope that helps! Dee

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Boy that was fast!! You posted in the morning you were expecting the wax that day and by the end of the day, you had recieved it, poured your candle, let it " cure" and are testing it - all in one day? I am not sure that you are really understanding the concept of curing. Curing is not a matter of sticking the candles in the oven to cool down. And curing doesn't happen the same day you pour the candles. Most folks will give a candle at least 24 hours to cure or better yet, set up, before testing for wick performance and not necessarily throw. Are you thinking curing is a matter of the candles setting up because that is what it sounds like but correct me if I am wrong? A candle needs more time to cure than it takes for it to set up. I do appreciate your enthusiam but I'm a little perplexed by your post so perhaps I am not understanding what you meant.

edited spelling.

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Boy that was fast!! You posted in the morning you were expecting the wax that day and by the end of the day, you had recieved it, poured your candle, let it " cure" and are testing it - all in one day? I am not sure that you are really understanding the concept of curing. Curing is not a matter of sticking the candles in the oven to cool down. And curing doesn't happen the same day you pour the candles. Most folks will give a candle at least 24 hours to cure before testing for wick performance and not necessarily throw. Are you thinking curing is a matter of the candles setting up because that is what it sounds like but correct me if I am wrong? A candle needs more time to cure than it takes for it to set up. I'm a little perplexed by your post so perhaps I am not understanding what you meant.

You go Meridith - you stole the words right out of my mouth....:lipsrseal

Can I send my candles to you for testing? Hell, I must be doing something wrong...please share your secrets.

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Guest amynleebishop

Ya know Donita told me that some of you were quite rude....... and well she was right!!! What I meant by what I said earlier was that I made them and that while they were curing and (by the way they still are) their color and their apparearance are much better looking than the 1275 blend I was using.

I figure you thought I had received the wax, made the candles, let them dry and burned them all in one day?? Ok....let's try that and see if it works?

What I meant was I love the way the wax is working to create the look I have been selling for OVER 10 yrs!! I think my customers will love it as much as I do.

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Ya know Donita told me that some of you were quite rude....... and well she was right!!! What I meant by what I said earlier was that I made them and that while they were curing and (by the way they still are) their color and their apparearance are much better looking than the 1275 blend I was using.

I figure you thought I had received the wax, made the candles, let them dry and burned them all in one day?? Ok....let's try that and see if it works?

What I meant was I love the way the wax is working to create the look I have been selling for OVER 10 yrs!! I think my customers will love it as much as I do.

We are not rude - just honest.

You know as well as the rest of us what you posted in your update...now you removed it. :lipsrseal

BTW- you shouldn't drop names like that especially of an active member - last recall Donita doesn't have any open issues with anyone on this forum. But you have put her name out there as if she does. That is not good.

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Also Amy, I said that perhaps I was not understanding you and to correct me if I was wrong. Your statement, before editing, was that the candles had a great "cold and hot throw." How does one get a hot throw if you weren't burning the candle?

Edited to add: I am so sick of folks that don't get the answer/response they want claiming that folks are rude. I went by what YOU said and I did not put words in your mouth.

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Guest amynleebishop

I removed what I said because of the way that it came across as if I had tested them. That was not the notion that I wanted perceived. I have had three days of trouble with a particular candle wax from a well known company and it has caused me alot of work to troubleshoot what was wrong. The whole time I thought it was something I was doing but it was actually the wax. So forgive me if I was excited that someones recommendation of me trying a new wax worked.

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I removed what I said because of the way that it came across as if I had tested them. That was not the notion that I wanted perceived. I have had three days of trouble with a particular candle wax from a well known company and it has caused me alot of work to troubleshoot what was wrong. The whole time I thought it was something I was doing but it was actually the wax. So forgive me if I was excited that someones recommendation of me trying a new wax worked.

You removed what you said as it didn't come across correctly yet based on what you said, I responded and I'm rude?? How does that work?

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Guest amynleebishop


It had nothing to do with your response. I wrote hot by mistake and like I said they were cooling so I put them in the oven to slow the process. They still had a great smell both warming and cooling. Today they have an excellent cold throw and I am pleased. I am sorry that you all seemed offended by my mispercerption of words.

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Also Amy, I said that perhaps I was not understanding you and to correct me if I was wrong. Your statement, before editing, was that the candles had a great "cold and hot throw." How does one get a hot throw if you weren't burning the candle?

Edited to add: I am so sick of folks that don't get the answer/response they want claiming that folks are rude. I went by what YOU said and I did not put words in your mouth.

She is probably referring to me....

Edited: as I had not read the post above this one....I guess that answers that...rofl

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Guest amynleebishop

That is ok, I thank you for your last post. And to Mizbizzyb~ I think we got off on the wrong foot and for that I do apologize. Like I said, I have played he-- trying to fix the issue with my candles and come to find out it was in fact the wax was no good and I could not get the company to assist me until I read a post here about the company and the wax and then they were happy to help. I was totally excited that I could go back to the old way I was letting my candles cure because I was creating places all over the house for them to sit and cool and driving my husband crazy. Once I saw how the J50 worked while it was setting up, I knew that it was going to be a keeper.

That was the reason for my enthusiam. This is something I have been doing not as a hobby but as a business for the last 10 yrs and I have stores that I supply to and a fall festival schedule that I do each yr. I was thinking I would have to opt out b/cuz the way the last bactch turned out.

Thanks for the optimism.

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That is ok, I thank you for your last post. And to Mizbizzyb~ I think we got off on the wrong foot and for that I do apologize. Like I said, I have played he-- trying to fix the issue with my candles and come to find out it was in fact the wax was no good and I could not get the company to assist me until I read a post here about the company and the wax and then they were happy to help. I was totally excited that I could go back to the old way I was letting my candles cure because I was creating places all over the house for them to sit and cool and driving my husband crazy. Once I saw how the J50 worked while it was setting up, I knew that it was going to be a keeper.

That was the reason for my enthusiam. This is something I have been doing not as a hobby but as a business for the last 10 yrs and I have stores that I supply to and a fall festival schedule that I do each yr. I was thinking I would have to opt out b/cuz the way the last bactch turned out.

Thanks for the optimism.

No need to apologize. I was not upset. :D

Glad that you are working with a better wax. Good luck with it.

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