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Rebatch or M&P??


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A while back I put an iso ad in the classies for goat milk M&P. A member responded with recommending a seller on ebay. I emailed the seller and told her what I needed--m&p goat milk soap. We made the sale. I received the soap and thought it looked a little different. Put a couple of lbs. in my melter on low. It was a lot "thicker" than any m&p I had ever used. So, I went to the seller's ebay store to see if she had any listings for this with perhaps directions. I didn't see any.

I emailed her with an urgent help request. She responded quickly and asked how much liquid I added. She then told me this was for rebatching and suggested that I add some water and milk. I did this. After 2 or 3 hours, I got sick of watching and stirring. I finally poured it into my individual molds.

These soap bars have been sitting on a rack for almost a week. They are still soft and damp to the touch. I have searched and read a couple of threads on rebatching, but I found nothing that referred to how long before I might have a harder bar of soap. I emailed the seller a couple of times, but I got a couple of nutty responses from her. In one, she asked if I would like to purchase 20 lbs. of rebatch and if so she would invoice me. This was getting later and later in the afternoon, and I finally realized that she was doing her cocktail hour or something.

I needed these bars for some gifts in a couple of days. Should I give up on them? Will they ever harden and get rid of this damp feeling?

Sorry this is so long. :cry2:

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I am assuming this is CP soap you are working with correct? If the soap was recently made (4 weeks old or less) you really did not need any fluid. And if you do add fluid 1 or two tablespoons of milk would do the trick. A method that a lot use here is getting those oven bags that you use to bake a turkey, pouring the soap in that, and then sitting it in wateront eh stove till its melted. You then pour in your fragrance, mush it around with your fingers (wear oven mits) and then cut one corner and squeeze it into your mold. (If I have explained this wrong please someone correct me,lol.)

If they are still soft, you might want to shred them up and cook the soap a bit more to dry it out, maybe put it in the mic for 2 minutes and zap it to dry it out and pound it back into the molds again.

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It's going to depend on how much additional water you added to them. Generally when I rebatch CP in a crockpot I only add a few tablespoons of liquid and leave them alone for at least 3-4 weeks to cure. I've never been able to pour my rebatches. Usually they are like a super thick pudding.

I'd say try to locate some MP soap base. If you need any, PM me, I can probably help you out and have it in your hands by Wednesday.

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She said it was cp. I've had it for over a month, so I know it's older than that. I'm not planning to contact the seller again. Lost faith in her with the nutty replies I got.

I think I'm going to shred 2 or 3 of the bars, remelt them, and repour them and see if that works. I've never melted soap in the microwave before, but I'm gonna give it a whirl.

Thanks for the quick reply. I need to do something about these bars right away. I scented them in 3 different scents, so I can't do them all at once.

BTW--in one of the seller's first replies to me, she told me to add 3 TBS. pp. So, I did that. Then she wrote back, and it was almost like she had never sent the first reply. She said to add some milk. When I questioned her about doing this in addition to the water, she didn't know what I was talking about. Ten minutes later I got an email saying that if I paid her right away she would send 20 lbs. that evening??!? That's when I decided to just do the best I can.

Will make some fbb for the little gifts I need for Tues. night!! I would never give someone a bar of soap I had never bathed in myself. Some of the recipients are elderly.

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Hey Luci.. I was the brat who suggested the seller on ebay. I have been rebatching this soap, but have only been adding 4 tbs. of water per pound. I have not had any problems with this soap drying at all. I think I dried it out for a week. If you are looking for Goats milk m&p, I know a great seller on Ebay... :lipsrseal .. just kidding.. however, I would really suggest getting in on the SFIC coop and buying theirs.. it is the BOMB!! I have a recipe that I add some things to it and it is the best soap ever.. Let me know if you want to try it.. you would love the super creamy rich lather.. Sorry you are having a tough time with your CP.. :sad2: !

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I'm trying to get in on the coop, but I've waited so long that I had to request the waitlist for the goat and shea. I did ask for the oatmeal and the aloe since they needed more. Never used the SFIC, and coop is the only way I can afford to do it.

I wasn't gonna say anything, but the first box the lady sent me wasn't the right soap. She emailed me and told me that she had sent me the wrong thing and not to bother with sending it back. I have asked her a couple of times what it is. I hate to throw it out if it's something I can do something with. Both times when I asked her what kind of soap it is, she responds by saying that if I send paypal she will get it out in the evening mail. What do you make of that?

Are you sure we're talking about the same seller? I've bought a couple of bases on ebay from recommendations here.

This will probably work out ok in the long run. I just need to get more experience. I have everything I need to do a first batch of cp. Everything except the nerve!

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The lady I bought from on ebay lists instructions with her soap.. not sure if it is the same lady. I may be able to give up some of my goats milk if you get left out. I love this stuff.. I have been selling my "recipe" by the pound to a bunch of firefighters.. they like this soap when I scent it with Coconout fo. Let me know if you want the recipe.. This is what I use with my Amazing Grace... it is wonderful!

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This did not come with any instructions.

Which "recipe" are you talking about? The SFIC goat milk base? I'm hoping that those of us on waitlist will be able to get in on it. I've never used SFIC, but I have sure read tons of posts stating that it's the best m&p out there.

I scented a lot of the batch that I'm uncertain of in Amazing Grace. If it never hardens, I'll just keep it for my own personal use. I'm an AG freak and have been for a few years. My students would always notice if I wore something different.

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She said it was cp. I've had it for over a month, so I know it's older than that. I'm not planning to contact the seller again. Lost faith in her with the nutty replies I got.

I think I'm going to shred 2 or 3 of the bars, remelt them, and repour them and see if that works. I've never melted soap in the microwave before, but I'm gonna give it a whirl.

Thanks for the quick reply. I need to do something about these bars right away. I scented them in 3 different scents, so I can't do them all at once.

BTW--in one of the seller's first replies to me, she told me to add 3 TBS. pp. So, I did that. Then she wrote back, and it was almost like she had never sent the first reply. She said to add some milk. When I questioned her about doing this in addition to the water, she didn't know what I was talking about. Ten minutes later I got an email saying that if I paid her right away she would send 20 lbs. that evening??!? That's when I decided to just do the best I can.

Will make some fbb for the little gifts I need for Tues. night!! I would never give someone a bar of soap I had never bathed in myself. Some of the recipients are elderly.

Sounds like your seller is on crack. Try smoking it maybe she sent you some good shit. :laugh2: :laugh2:

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On something for sure!! It was too wacky to deal with.

Instead of remelting the already poured bars, I shredded up another block, added a bit of milk, colored, and scented. These firmed up quicker, and I've unmolded them to let them sit on the rack.

I did notice that the other bars I did last week have shrunk--and I mean a lot. I used the same mold, and when I unmolded these I did today, they are a lot different in size. Oh, well. Live and learn.

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