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New to the board and my intro

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Hi, found this board and it looks like a good one.

I LOVE candles and would like to start making my own but I know absolutely nothing about it so I need help.

I don't burn candles because of emphysema but I put the candles on a warmer. I love a lot of different scents so I would want to learn how to add the scents as I am making the candles.

I saw in a thread where someone mentioned getting cute little containers from the Dollar Tree and that is a great idea.

A little about me, I am a ferret person, notice my avatar, ;) I am a full-time mom to 18 of those little furry monsters. I have a website with lots of pix of our ferrets. http://lighthousetuffy.com/index.htm I am also a big time lighthouse person so I will be on the lookout for any kind of lighthouse containers to make candles out of.

Thanx for letting me join the group and I would greatly appreciate help getting me started making candles.

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I've only just joined too and the guys r great by looking through the threads(using the search key top right) i've solved loads of problems. The basic instructions on the left is a good place to get an understanding of what you'll need and how to make candles, once you've mastered that then it's just how fwr your imagination can take you. Don't forget to test your candles once you've made them it will make them safe and prevent accidents re-occuring!

But like i say i'm fairly new to candlemaking & even newer to this place so others will probably beable to help you even further. don't forget if there's something specific u need 2 no and can't find your answer then post a thread. Everyones so great you'll have your answer in no time:yay:

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