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Dirty Little Problem

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My candle area is out in our shop where my husband does machine shop work on the side. It is enclosed with a heavy plastic from the ceiling part to the floor...separating the two areas. I get alot of dust/dirt sometimes... it gets in my wax. I keep a lid on everything...wax in plastic bins...lids on wax pot but sometimes I get tiny bits of whatever in my pot. Any suggestions, short of moving my area out of shop, that might help? I guess an air purifier might catch what is in the air. It's just there...not from sweeping or moving things. Any suggestions? Ginger

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Morning Ginger, I am feeling for you! A couple of years ago I had to temp.move into my 1400 sq.ft. shop into a 300 ft. area that was also part of my woodshop. I was in much the same boat as you but with sawdust. We tarped, taped, tied, did everything and there was no way to keep the dust out of the area. (We do have an sawdust exhaust in this side as well.)

Eventually as we knew it would be for a few more months we built a temp. wall, floor to ceiling with a door to access the other area. We even had to weather strip the inside door, lol.

Other than bins, lids, etc. which your doing I don't think your going to be able to clean the air enough unless you get an industrial system. (We have exhaust fans from my hubby's automotive paint both in my big shop, they pull out alot of the particles but are very expensive and did not move them into the temporary area.)

Good luck, hope you can find a solution.


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A little cabin in the woods sound great!!

Don't know if this will help --but try to filter your liquid wax before you pour into your molds or jars. I use the fine mesh paint strainers from Sherwin-Williams- they catch the tiny pieces of dye (from chips) and the bits of paper & dirt that seem to always be there in parafin wax.

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ahhhh...a little cabin in the woods overlooking the lake with a candle supply company within driving distance and nothing else to do but make candles to supply the large internet and public demand....oh...sorry...was day dreaming!:tongue2:

I like the idea of putting up a temporary wall as my hubby has a wood shop and I had to move into my spare bedroom to avoid the dust.

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LOL we would love to have you Ginger! We actually built the shop across the bridge with an apartment above for our oldest daughter and her family 10 yrs ago, so they could save to buy a house. It has a three bedroom full apartment above which became my shop when they moved out five yrs. ago.

The temporary move downstairs for me was for a yr. when we let our son and his family move in for one yr. while they got on their feet after a difficult time. But that it is, LOL, I love my shop and am not giving it up anymore!

We do all the woodworking for our classes and it is so handy for everything to have its space.

We have alot of wildlife though including a bear or two each yr. hope that doesn't bother you, LOL. I found one snuffling at the door downstairs one day a couple of yrs. ago, he seemed to be sniffing the fragrances I was pouring!


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