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Question about Layers

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Hi Everyone,

I've been reading these boards for several months now but this is the first time I've posted. I'm just starting out with candle making and I really love it.

Today I'm going to be trying some layered candles - votives and containers - and I've never done these before. How long do I need to wait for the 1st layer to cool before I pour the second one? I'm not looking for it to be a super-clean line, a little minging of the colors would work.

Thanks and I look forward to 'talking' to you all more in the coming months!


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You want to pour your second layer when the first layer is skinned over and when tilted, can see the liquid wax rolling underneath. If you wait too long, and the first layer has set up more than you wanted it to, heat the top with a heat gun until you get a slight pool of wax then pour your second layer. This will blend the layers slightly so you won't have very distinct lines of each layer poured.

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