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wax and wicks

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I'm new to candle making. I want to make candles for the holidays as well as for gifts. I need some assastance.

1- what is the best soy wax to buy and where?

2-what kind of wicks do best? and what size for 12, 16 and 22oz. Apothecary jars?

This is more confusing than I thought.

Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I have been using Golden Brands 464 soy wax and I absolutely love it. I have not made 16 ounce apothecary jars with this wax as yet, but I just made a large order for a retail store in 10 oz apothecary jars and I used two CD-6 wicks. I have tried to single wick and it's very strange but you have to single wick very high and I don't like the mushroom that you get with a larger wick. So I would rather double wick much smaller and have a better, even burn. I'm thinking that maybe CD 8's or 10's would work very well in the 16 oz size and 10's or 12's for the 26 oz size.

But you still need to test, test, test. I hope this gives you a starting point. :grin2:

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