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Can FOs and veg oil mix?


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Please don't flame me for asking (no pun intended :) ) but I'm needing put several of those plastic floating veg oil candle things together for a night event.

I know everyone has seen these things...put colored water in a container of your choice, pour enough veg oil to get about 1/2 inch on top of the water, get the little plastic float thing that holds a short wick and they burn for three to six hours.

My question, can an FO be mixed with the veg oil to give a little scent to these types of candles?

If so, any safe guess to the mix ratio and should the veg oil be warmed or heated when mixing the FO?

I've got some FOs I'm not going to use in candles and thought this might be a good use for them.

Thank you all !


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Never tried it, but I would think so. We mix fragrance oils with FCO and other light oils to make roll on perfumes. Some won't mix because of their polarity (same problem gel wax has), but you can make a small test and see how it works. Not sure how much throw you'd get.

Let us know how it works out!

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When you mix FOs with oils, do you just mix at room temp or do you heat the oil before adding the FO?

I'm just wondering if it makes a difference mixing hot or at room temp?



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