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Newbie from New Yawk here.......Hello all...

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Hello all,

My DW and I have just started our foray in soy candlemaking. Its been about a month and a half now. I am following all the rules like a good boy and am doing alot of testing before I start selling, although it is tough because people are already wanting to know what we have. I have gotten alot of good info off of these boards.

My question is, Where are all the candle makers from my state. From what I can tell the midwest is leading the pack in candlemakers, especially Texas. This is probably a good thing since my competition is probably light. I went to an Arts and Crafts fair here last month and not one candle or soap maker.

We are located in Hawthorne, NY about 15 minutes from White Plains. My wife grew up in the Arthur Ave. section of the Bronx and I grew up in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn. We would love to give a shout out to all of the chandlers in our neck of the woods. Let us know you are here.:D

P.S. Help us save some money and let us know if there are any good suppliers that are close to us. We will probably get our fragrances from the same places as the rest of you good people, however, wax and glass jars are another story. I ordered from FancyCandleJars but of course the shipping is killing me.

Thanks to all who read and reply to this post.

Ciao for now.

Bob and Donna

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You will find there are PLENTY of candle makers in NY. There are a couple on this board from your way. I am in Corning, NY...there are several on here from the Rochester, Buffalo and Niagara Falls areas.

Unfortunatly there are no good suppliers in your area. There is a Jar supplier in the Syracuse area. I think there is a FO and Wax supplier on the board from Rochester.

Most of us order wax from Candlewic or Candlesandsupplies in Pa.

Good Luck and welcome to the board.

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However, your price competition is from China.

How right you are! I've had people pick up one of my pillars and say "I saw this at Target yesterday." No, you did not!

It is very tough to fight with cheap, and that is what most of the imports are.


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As far as I know there isn't a wax or FO supplier in Rochester, cause I would have picked up stuff to try if there was!! :D wwwspwax.com Strahl & Pitch is close to NYC and they some some good waxes and very nice to deal with. www.tvguilfoil in Syracuse has a limited selection of jars and you need to email or call them for prices. They actually haven't updated their web site in a few years, so I'm not really sure what they actually carry. Have fun!!

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