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Melting pot jars

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I did a search on the melting pot jars and found a lot of you had trouble wicking them, well I got some last week and did a few tests and they are not burning right. I ordered sample wicks that are supposed to be here today, now I am new to this and just wanted to know if anyone has found the right combo. I have J50 and JS123 wax to try. The only wicks I had were 51-32-18Z and then one larger wick, also zinc. Neither one of those worked. I ordered eco lx and zinc samples from candle science. I don't want to double wick, any suggestions? The only other jars I've used were 1/2 pint jelly. And those worked great. But I wanted a nicer looking jar, especially for the Holidays. Please give me some suggestions, or let me know what worked for you guys, or just where to begin testing. Thanks so much! Dee oh I used 1 ounce of FO in my testers so far. These are 9 0z.

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I have them, and intially had trouble wicking them. I"m not sure if my experience will help you much, since I primarily do soy and parasoy. You may be able to single wick that jar if you use a blended paraffin like J50, but it would need to be pretty hot, and an HTP may soot excessively. It seemed that double wicks would starve for air, but wicking up to the next size would be too hot. If you are trying out a soy you might try a single LX30. What works for me in the Melting Pot is HTP1312 with GB 402 and 2% USA. I am having better luck also with 415 and 3% BW double wicked with Premier 700 wicks. The LX30 may work with the J50 also. Another thing, the 16 oz MP jar will hold 16 oz and still leave room for air space, but you could also just fill it wiht 15 oz and have a little more air space to hold in more heat, to help spread the melt pool out some. HTH!


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