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Square Pillar??

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I've been testing burning a 3x3x6 inch pillar using just plain Hobby Lobby paraffin with stearic added. It melted to the ends leaving about a 1/4 inch of course that didn't include the corners. Guess I should have taken a pic of that. Any way I've burned it 4 times now and what I did was kind of hugged the wax inward and the corners. Should I have moved the corners in too?

Or should I have just let it burn on down into the candle to see if it would leak over the sides or blowout with this particular wick? I know most people don't know to hug candles.

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When I hug a square pillar I do sort of push in the corners too. If you can't gently push them in just a tiny bit after you've burned it a few times, that can be a sign it needs wicked up a tiny bit more. But that being said, I always burn one both ways because yes, you do want to know if it's going to tunnel really badly or blow out the sides if someone doesn't hug it. I call this doing a burn test and doing an idiot burn.

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Thank you so much for replying. I'm going to have to do another pillar and try burning again. The one I was testing was burning good except the straight edges were getting really thin and I was afraid it was going to flow over the edges and started folding the wax in.

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