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Testing results for f/o in soy!


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I poured 30 testers yesterday from 6 different suppliers and still have several to go. I haven't burned tested them yet, but some smell so wonderful in wax, I couldn't wait to share. :drool: The ones I poured up yesterday fall in the "food" or "fall" group. I didn't want to do flower or clean scents, afraid I would give myself a migraine.


Cranberry Marmalade

Lemon Chiffon (yummy)

Banana Nut Bread (drool)

Pumpkin Bread (yummy)

Vanilla Hazelnut (It's strong, I don't think I'm a fan of hazelnut but my DH likes it)

TN Candle Supplies

Harvest Spice

French Vanilla

Orange Clove

Christmas Splender

Spiced Orange Cider

Warm Orange Gingerbread (yummy)

Blueberry Cobbler (my favorite)


ButterScotch Brulee

These were all tested in soy at 7%. I'm afraid to test burn them due to everyone in my house stayed so hungry while I was making them, lol. But I'll try to post the results after they have cured.

Has anyone tested any great ones lately? :D

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