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Got Interest...

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Well, I tested my mango papaya to the point where I was comfortable about it's quality and safety. Gave one to a friend, along with two melts I made from some leftover wax (vanilla walnut and pearberry). Next day she called me and said she wanted to buy a bunch, along with a friend of hers who thinks they're better than anything she's ever bought. I am very flattered and had never had any plans to sell but I have to say, it's got me thinking. I am in no way ready to sell candles yet and I told her that but I think I may just have to whip up a few melts, make some money to buy more fragrance oils I don't really need...lol. Anyway, just wanted to share, I'm very proud that my candle was so well received...

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It feels good, doesn't it? I'd keep on testing those candles until you are comfortable enough to sell the scents you have mastered. Sounds to me like you are on the right track. In the meantime, I'd go ahead and make tarts to sell. At least you'd make a few bucks to keep you in FO's. :D

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I am soo happy to read this! Congrats hun!! I think it would be great for you to sell some melts (they are all I really use anyways lol, so you may have an ON customer too)... The stuff you sent for the swap smells great... I cant wait until everyone gets their boxes so that I can use it! This will give you some good feedback and testing on your product!!

Way to go... and I bet the Mango Papaya is heavenly!!

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