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Help me smell............I can't!!

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I make 8 oz sq masons and usually burn them in a living/kitchen area which is probably close to half of my 28' x 60' double wide home. How strong should the scent be?

How is it determined how large of an area a candle should fragrance? Also how quick should you be able to smell it?

Thanks for letting me use your nose!!!


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Alot depends on the scent burning. Some scents are going to be stronger than others. For instance, my creme brulee is alot stronger/potent of an FO than lets say maybe a baby powder scent or Angel Wings. Some scents are just meant to be lighter or more subtle. Also, scent throw and the area filled will depend on the size of the candle and the opening - i.e., a votive won't fill your whole house with scent. I would think you should be able to at least smell your candle in the front half of your mobile home and with stronger scents, they should be able to drift towards the back to be able to get whiffs of it now and then. At least this is my opinion.

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I have found that there are very few fos that will fill a huge area. But one thing you might consider, is the air currents in your room. Try placing the candle in different areas. I have a huge living area & have very few fos that will scent the room the way I want it to. But it also depends on the fo itself. I've lit one little votive & have been able to smell it thru out the room. We recently had a black out & of course I grabbed candles to help light the house. I think I had 14 containers & pillars burning in the living area. I was testing Greenleaf's wax & fos at the time, but the one scent that overwhelmed everything was a 6 year old lilac pillar! I was floored! So just experiment first with placement, or try burning more than one of the same scent.


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