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First tome making bath bombs..uh..more like half bombs!


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I took the plunge today to try making bath bombs with the meatballer, and for the life of me, couldn't get the two halves to stay together with the thing. So, instead of giving up, I filled each side with my formula(followed Rita's rockhard recipe), and ended up with half circle bath bombs!(will post pics when I take them!

So, I'm not sure if I wasn't holding it together for long enough, which probably is the problem, because my mixture still made the half bombs. Anybody out there have some help?

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I don't hold mine together any longer than it takes to pack the mold really really tight.

I find the meatballer works pretty well. I usually pack each side about half way, not packing that in really hard, but enough to stay. Then I open the jaws as far as possible and put ball ends down into a pile of the material, holding each handle with one hand and scissoring together.. If I don't think I have enough going in I stop part way and push more into the way so they grab as much as possible. Then I push the halves together with my hands (not the handles). It shouldn't close easily - you really need to squeeze it hard, and still a bit of material should peek out leaving a bit of a ring. Sometimes I put it down on a pad and lead on it with all my weight. Press your thumb into the hole on each half to leave a bit of a depression.

To remove it, first give the whole thing a sharp tap, then hold with one half up and one down. Gently open, flip over, and let the ball fall out into your hand. If you need to ever so gently encourage it, just apply a little pressure in the hole.

Best of luck, takes practice, practice, practice!

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