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my soap stinks!!

bella soy

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i just made my first batch of soap. i went out to michaels and picked up some m&p some Euc. leaves and some FO.

I concocked my creations

here is what I did...and mind you I measured nothing! just added stuff till I thought it was enough.

First batch

Avacado m&p base

Euc. Leaves

lavender Fo

Second Batch

Avacado m&p base


chocolate powder for color and fragrance

Third batch

Avacado m&p base

oats and chocolate powder mixed together


and Almond FO

I have the soaps cooling on a rack right now. I poped them out of there molds about 1/2 after getting hard.

They smell funny. They hardly smell like the Fo's that I used. I guess maybe its because its cheap michaels brand ??? I dunno??

Im really really scared to use them...lol...

I dont want to smell like the soap smells now...lol.

they look nice but they dont have that "handmade" texture that most soaps do. Is it because its m&p base??? or because I put then in molds instead of a wooden mold and cut bars???

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It's kind of a hard call as to what is causing the soaps to smell off if you're not measuring anything.

I've never used Micheal's FO's or mp soap, so I can't speak of the quality. Generally speaking, you can get better quality online, but that isn't always the case.

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I have used michaels m&p with out a bad smell. It is Life of the party brand right? Maybe you added too much fo and if you added euc. they may be too much together. I think the combo's with the cocoa powder and almond and chamomile may have been a bit much too for the avocado, It is hard to say with out measurements as too what the problem can be. They will not look like homemade and not have the same texture of cp soaps, especially from a mold. A log will help with the sliced look nstead of a mold. Sue

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ok thanks guys. well m&p is out of the question. well, that was a quick experiment. I just dont like the look of them. I want to more homemade look. I guess ill have to research cp and hp soap making today at work. The smell wasnt from all the ingredients because the soap smelled like that as I was melting it in the microwave. I though the smell would go away as the soap cooled but it didnt.

oh well. another doller another day. another test...lol...

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skip the avocado base! if you want to add all that stuff, stick with the plain white or plain clear bases. The avocado should be "left alone" IMO, in other words, don't add FO to it cuz it already has a scent ;)

the white base and clear base won't have a smell, so your oatmeal, cocoa, etc., would be great!

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