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Shipping Mortification...


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:embarasse Brenda's new first rule of packing and shipping:

Never pack and label an order when you are tired!

Because you could accidentally switch the shipping labels or put the wrong order in the wrong box, and then you would feel mortified when you find out what you've done. This was the first time this has ever happened to me and I could have just died of embarrassment.

My customer was very understanding about the snafu and notified me immediately; even offering to ship the product back to me. I was able to contact the other involved customer, repack the orders (one at a time!) and now have them ready for shipping tomorrow morning on my way to work. I didn't feel right about the customer having to ship the box back to me, so the extra product is theirs to use (and hopefully enjoy!)

Thank goodness for nice people! I've learned an important lesson. :yes:

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that happened to me but it was for 2 classy purchases, but I can totally see my doing that with customers as tired as I get sometimes.

Aren't customers usually awesome, especially when we let them keep the products LOL

I agree, it would be a pain to have them ship back to you and not worth the effort, hopefully they were not huge orders

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