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A batch of soap I made, need some help


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I made a batch over the weekend and I did a couple different things than normal. I know, only try one new thing at a time. ;)

I am making cphp like I usually do, so here is what happened:

1. melt oils in croc

2. let them sit there heating while I have some pizza for dinner before starting. Oils heat up and sit longer than normal.

3. I lower the temp to low as I read recently some cook on low so I thought I would try that for kicks. :rolleyes2

4. Pizza eaten

5. Add sugar, sodium lactate and titanium dioxide to water, take water to garage and add lye.

6. come back in and add to melted oils at lower temp.

7. start to stick blend and blend but it doesn't look right and never traces after almost 10 minutes. It normally traces for me around 7 minutes.

8. It looks applesaucy so I stop mixing and let it cook.

9. cooks

10.still cooking

11.been cooking for 45 minutes and not much change or changes that I normally see when I make soap.

12. I decide it looks like it may be done so I add fo and colorant and pour into mold.

13. It hardens and cools in the normal time frame.

14. I unmold it and let it sit longer before cutting it.

15. Cuts a little sticky but no problem.

16. the bars are rubbery? What happened? They are squishy and have a weird texture. :sad2:

17. I use in the shower and it's a great bar of soap just feels weird.

Any ideas on what is up with my bar???

Here is a pic, I wish there was feel-o-vision


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titanium dioxide i use i do not think it would do that. i do mix mine and add to the soap after i get it mixed up .not with the lye water.i do not use sodium lactate not sure what it does.did the soap harden up.

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It is still squishy but it feels firmer if that makes any sense. I read where one person does one thing and someone else does another with success so it is hard and it is just a learning thing I have to do on my own. I won't add to lye water next time and I won't add the sl either at all. The sl was to give the cphp a smoother pour. At least the batch is not a total ruin, I can use it but not sell it.

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I have a batch that I made last Nov that was kinda rubbery. It did firm up nicely just took a while.

The rubbery texture is the only similarities to your soap, just want you to know that it did finally firm up and made a real nice, long lasting bar of soap.

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I wish I could help but as I do not use this method - I found this on the link posted --- HTH

I read several tutorials before I attempted hot process, and then adjusted them to suit my own methods. I think the key ingredient to achieving a look similar to cold process is the addition of sodium lactate (SL). It really helps the soap stay fluid. Also, it is imperative that you not discount your water. Use the full recommended amount (such as the one recommended by an online lye calculator).

I don't deduct the amount of water by the amount of sodium lactate (SL) I add. I add the full recommended water amount, plus .25 oz of sodium lactate (SL) parts per ounce (ppo). I know the recommended amounts for SL are .5 to 1 oz ppo, but I like the consistency of the soap better with less than that. It's less crumbly

From http://www.teachsoap.com/ohp.html

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