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Bubbles in lotion

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Not much help, but, I had/have the same problem. Try tipping your bottle and pouring slowly, we're talkin' painfully slowly (not easy for me because I want stuff done NOW). I fill mine all the way up to the neck of the bottle and if there's still bubbles, I thunk on the sides to loosen them. It helps me a little so maybe it will help you too?

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OK, I don't know if this will work for your lotions, but it works for my sauces. Only works on GLASS containers though. Most plastics don't seem rigid enough.

I have a Food Saver vacuum thing, where you can use their heat & seal bags. They also have lids you can use on jar tops - you put their lid onto your jar and then use the base unit to pull a vacuum. If I tap the jar down pretty hard while it vacuums and pulls the bubbles out. Now these lids are for wide mouth jars, but they also have plugs for wine bottles that basically work the same way. Once the bubbles are out you can just take off the lid/plug and use your own cap.

Check out foodsaver.com for all sorts of stuff - something might fit your needs.

Hope it helps.

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