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We're new, and we're naive, but this turned out great!

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We're a small shop, and I'm glad that we are. We get to listen to individual customers and get feedback and ideas directly from them. When they want something new, we know it immediately.

Our latest endeavor, body lotion. These are some test units we whipped up. Our mix (multi-base: Aloe Vera from KangarooBlue.com) is incredibly silky and works great. We're impressed with how well it holds the scent and how easy it was to make. It is thick, which we like as well, but getting the lotion out is kinda like those old ketchup commercials. Turn the bottle upside down and shake vigorously. Because of that we're going to forego the flipcaps and go with pump tops, but other than that, we're very happy with our results.



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I really like the ribbon too.

I jumped on your site...NICE. Where in the world did you find those jars for your hand scrubs?

The ribbons, thankfully we were able to find them locally Nashville Wraps.

And the jars are the clear Tuscany style that we got from Wholesale Supplies Plus. They're listed at 8.3 oz., but we can comfortably get 10.5 oz of salt scrub in each. We use a plastic inner liner to keep the seal during shipping.

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