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Angel Type womens from candle makers store


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Hi, has anyone had any experience using the Angel type womans frafrance oils, i got a small sample here in the U.K and it smelt exactly like the real perfume and proved to be a good seller too.

But because supplies are so much more expensive here, i decided to order it in a larger quantity from a US supplier. So i ordered a 1 pound bottle from the thecandlemakersstore.com, i made a batch of candles with it and it does not smell anything like angel type i used previously or even anything like the original perfume. I conntacted the supplier and they said there was no possibility it could have been mixed up, i thought they could have sent angel wings by mistake? So i am now stuck with a whole 1 lb that i am not convinced is even angel type.

Has any one ever ordered fragrance oils from the candle makers store before, especially angel type womans, if so how did you find it?

Can any one reccomend a supplier which stocks Angel type Womans that smells very like the original perfume?

Thanks so much sorry for the long post :) :) :highfive:

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I order from The Candle Makers Store all the time. The customer service is great and the quality of the oils are wonderful.

I have found that the same scent from different suppliers varies so that is why it is a good idea to purchase samples before buying in bigger quantities ( I found this out the same way you just did)

I have not purchased the "Angel Type" so I can't help you there, sorry.

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Yep, what Purple Lilac said. ;) An FO from one may smell completely different than from another even with the same name, unfortunately. You MUST buy samples first, I know it's hard for you being in the UK and having the spendy shipping charges and you're trying to get the most bang for you buck, so to speak, but it's a necessary evil.

UNLESS, you can ask around HERE for sniffies (cotton balls or q-tips dunked in the oil you're looking for) and someone who has that oil can help you out. At least you'd be able to smell it first before spending so much on an oil that you don't care for. :)

I wish I had the Angel type I'd do that for you, but I don't have ONE VS dupe.

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I wear "Angel" so I am very familiar with it. Millcreek smells exactly like it. I would even opt for using theres instead popping $100 per bottle for the real thing. lol They are reasonable in bulk. They call theirs Angel Wings. I didn't dawn on me until I bought it as a sample because I liked the name when I opened it I kept thinking "I know that smell" How stupid I was. lol

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I wish I had the Angel type I'd do that for you, but I don't have ONE VS dupe.

Angel is not a VS fragrance. It is a perfume from designer Thierry Mugler. ;) Sweetcakes has a good dupe, they actually have 2 different ones - 1 of which is very expensive because they use many of the same ingredients as the real thing.

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I also have the real deal here (I was actually in England when they launched it there, bought it at the duty free at Heathrow), and Bitter Creek North's version of Angel is dead on, and it's even body safe. It's perfect in candles, and it's ok in soap - does discolor tan.

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Hi, thanks for all of your replies.

I think i'll try Bitter Creeks Norths version- i'll just order a smaller bottle this time to make sure its o.k, the only problem is the kart on BCN website wants to charge me about $170 for shipping to England, hopefully this is a mistake( i've contacted them) as i really need some real smelling angel.

The candle makers stores one didn't smell anything like angel at all, so so much so that i am not happy sending candles out to customers made out of this and the candle makers store wouldnt even do anything about it! ( So i would reccomend to be careful when buying angel from this store)

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