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coffee grounds in m&p soap


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I've seen where some people add coffee grounds to cp/hp soap. is that correct, coffee grounds? can you do this with m&p? what are the pros/cons to doing this? sounds like a really neat idea, but just want to know if there's something i should be aware of before i try it.


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I've added coffee grounds to my m&p with no problems. But there are a couple of things to be aware of:

If the coffee is straight from the can it will well brew in the soap and color it a brown color, to fix this you can use used coffee grounds after they've cooled down or just soak them for a while then drain them real good.

Also the regular grounds are a bit rough, large, so I used a coffee grinder and got them down to almost an espresso grind size, softer, smaller about 4 pulses in the grinder.

Alot goes a long way.

I made a mocha massage bar with fresh brewed coffee FO, hershey's chocolate FO and some coffee grounds in the massage bubble part of the mold and oh man you could just eat it. Washes real good to! gets rid of garlic smell on the hands.


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I think it might have started out as 2 tablespoons but then some got left in the grinder and some got left in the filter. So I'd say start with that and you'll lose enough along the way. Mine only had the coffee in half the bar so you might want to consider that too.

Glad to have been some help,


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I make it too. I have never used the used grounds always fresh . You have to wait till the soap cools as the grounds will sink in the mold if you do not let it cool enough and stir it well. I use it in all types of base, clear, white and goat's milk. I sell it like crazy. It will take all smells off your hands but also I had a plastic bowl that I just could not seen to get a garlic smell out of, I lathered up the soap and rubbed it good into the bowl and let it set about 5 minutes and rinsed well and no more smell. Sue

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