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stupid pillar question

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ok, maybe it's not too stupid but it's definately a noob-esque question ;)

I don't do pillars, but I've been reading the posts for a while now just out of curiosity--and have to ask this out loud...when you pour a pillar into a mold the bottom is actually the top when released? meaning the part that is against the sealed end of the mold will be the top of your pillar when finished, right? so...right along with that question--how the heck are you using pre-tabbed wicks or wick pins? I picture in my mind how it works but it just doesn't make sense...the wick pin is leaving a hole for the wick, starting at the top--how are you getting that wick in there? second, pretabbed wicks (in my mind) wouldn't seem to work along the same reasons--you have a hole from the top to almost the bottom, obviously inserting a pretabbed from the bottom is not an option and inserting them from the top--well, I wanna see someone light that puppy up..lol

ok, laugh...go for it but please fill me in on what I'm missing here, because it just isn't adding up in this container frame-of-mind brain of mine...thanks

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Yes the bottom of the mold is the top of a pillar. No you can't put a pretabbed wick into the mold before you pour the wax like you would in a container. That's where the wick pins come into play. Have you made any votives with wick pins? Same principle. Except you insert the wick pin through the hole in the bottom of the mold. Make pillar. Let wax cool. Remove wick pin. Remove pillar from mold. Thread wick up thu the hole left by the wick pin. And you have a wicked pillar. All this said by someone who has made less than a doz. pillars but lots of votives. HTH

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ok, seems to make more sense now. I guess I was picyuring the wick pins being smaller than the mold--you know, not actually making a hole all the way through from top to bottom. I haven't made votives yet either--I've stuck it out with containers so far. soo...next question would be then--since you're sliding the wicks in after making the holes, don't you have problems with the wicks being loose? like when I make containers and I yank a wick out and drop a new one in....it doesn't fit tightly into the wax anymore and at a certain point down in the burn they start screwing up--you don't have that problem with pillars?

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I dont use wick pins for my pillars. I just go ahead and attach the wick in the mold using the screws and sealer, then make sure that its centered at the opening, and use either a kraft stick or skewer to tie the other end too....then just pour.... after its ready to come out of the mold, you just clip the wick at the opening, turn it over, remove the sealer and screw, and it slides right out.... then you just trim your wick.... and your all set..... sounds simple huh......lol.....

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Guest ShellyRobyn

I wick my pillars before I pour as well and use the wick centering tools from EZ Wick Systems. I absolutely love them! :wink2:

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