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How Much?

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For all of you that make wickless candles, do you charge the same price as ones with wicks or less? I was checking out some different sights today and noticed one that charge $1.00 more for wickless. I just supposed that you would charge a little less cause you are leaving the wick out and it just seems less hassle. Please tell me the pros and cons of wickless.TIA

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I charge the same for wickless. Wickless candles are nice for people who don't want to have a flame. I make mine in my 10 oz jar which fits perfectly on the candle warmers I sell. The disadvantage to wickless is that you have to wait awhile for the wax to melt to start getting it to throw. Another disadvantage , and I put this on my warning label is that children sometimes don't associate these with hot because there is no flame.

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On average a wick and stickum is only .10 cents.

Where you read they charged more for wickless may be because they added more FO. You can add more FO to a wickless because you are not burning it but you can only add so much more FO to a point. Wax can only hold so much FO before the FO seeps out. In the case of a wickless to much FO could be a hazzard.

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