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I feel so stupid!!!


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OK, I got my next (second) batch of soap all planned out. I ordered all the oils I'm going to need and got them in today. My mold is going to be here Monday. YAY!!!

Now that I have all this stuff sitting in front of me, I've got all of these questions swimming around in my head.

I thought I had gotten oil disp. titanium dioxide, but it's water. How I got that wrong in my head I have no idea. But I had the whole process planned out in my head, and now I can't figure out how to fix this. I'm actually thinking of just throwing it out and finding the 'right' kind.

The way I had planned is to mix lye/water, put on top of fridge. Melt oils, pull some to mix the color in. Mix the oils/water. Pull a few cups, color blue. Add white to the main part. mold, then ATTEMPT a swirl like thing (saying it like that cause I KNOW it won't happen).

Hmmm, would it work to just mix it up in a little bit of extra water and mix that in after I take out what will be blue? Or would that put too much water?

Also, I got a small bottle of Awapuhi Seaberry fo from MMS with my oils. The site said .25-.35 oz of fo ppo. Really? Hope this one does ok... didn't read anything about it either way.

OK, I think I've bugged yall enough for now, so I'll go play with the pond for a while... maybe pull some more grass out of the ground.

Thanks for any help.


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I'll give it a shot. I am guessing you are wanting a bright white base b4 you swirl in your blue and the TD might work although it says water based (or whatever it said). I would just pull a little soap out and add how much you want to it first to see how it disperses, and if it incorporates OK then add that soap to your pot and then proceed as planned.

If it does not work, you don't have to add the TD, you can still add the blue swirl and you will probably still get a white base (unless your FO has Vanilla in it). I never add TD to my base and it is white.

I use at least .50 - .80 oz of FO ppo, depending on the FO, and I do use some of MMS's FO and they recommend lower amounts but I like it stronger than that, I don't want to have to sniff the soap 3-4 times b4 I get a little bit of a wiff of sorts from the soap. IMO, the Scent companies always seem to recommend lower amounts than I use:D

HTH and maybe someone with experience with the TD will chime in


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I have the water dispersible TD. You take a few tablespoons and stir with water until smooth (like mixing cornstarch to thicken a sauce). Whatever water amount (I'd start w/one TBS TD + 1 TBS water per lb of oils) subtract that many TBS from the water before you mix your lye.

That sounds really low for the FO. I have some super strong that I use at .5 ounce PP, but I've never gone lower than that. Typically, it's .75 ounce PP for me.

Good luck and have fun!

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