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Cigar Bands for Metro/Status Jars

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There was a discussion a couple months ago about the cigar bands/ribbons to use for status jars. A few printing companies were mentioned who do the ribbons, but I didn't see on their site that they appeared to do the adhesive ones which can be used on candle jars. Does anyone know a company who does the adhesive type, preferrably with gold or silver edging on the bands that will fit these jars, or does anyone on this board offer this service? I'm not ready to sell these containers yet, but am thinking way ahead. Don't want to wait to the last minute to find a reasonable source for these labels, as I have done with my tart labels. PM me if preferred.

Edited: I probably should have posted this in the Business section, but wasn't paying attention. Hopefully someone will read who can give me this info.

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Thanks, AngelaVA

My printer is black & white and I can't invest in a color printer yet until I get some $$$ coming in, hopefully with my tarts/burners. At this point, I'd rather get someone to print a minimum supply of labels and spend my money on other supplies for testing. I don't really need a color printer except for labels.

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You might want to check into small printing companies in your area, as well as Staples, Office Dept, etc. They would likely be able to print a full sheet (in color) for you to cut out or something like that. I know that office supply stores will print your design for you, but not sure what the cost would be. Also, there may be someone on here who will print labels for you.

Also, my friend is getting married and when I did the candles for her wedding, she had labels printed up with her info on them. She said they were dirt cheap and came really fast. Here is the website

www.savethedateoriginals.com PM me if you want the woman's e-mail addy. They looked great and I would at least ask her about printing labels for you.

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