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25/75 Wax Mix

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I am having lots of problems getting the wicks to burn right in my votives. In a previous post, someone had told me to use a mixture of 25% container wax and 75% votive wax to help the hot scent throw. Would this mixture make it easier to find a wick that works better. I didn't know if the softer wax would make the burning easier for the wick. I use astorlite V for votives and J223 in containers. I have been testing the votives using cd,zinc and htp wicks but none are that great. I have people wanting to try my new scents but they aren't burning well in testing so I sure can't sell anyone any of them. I didn't use to have this kind of problems. Sometimes it makes you not want to make candles but I'm not a quitter(Yet). Please advise. The oils I'm testing came from SNC and they have really great oils.TIA

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Maybe it is the oils. I didn't have as many problems before I started buying from some different companies. Don't get me wrong, they have wonderful oils but maybe it's not what I need. I never know if its the wax, wicks or oils. Today is one of those days you want to put a price tag on everything and sell it all. I have heartburn bad enough to kill a person and it's just from the wicking problem. Are the wickless candles a good seller. Maybe I need to do wickless and tarts. Candlemaking is almost as bad as having a real job. I quit my last job because of the stress. Guess I was just meant to be stressed.

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