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Safe Plastics for Packaging??


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I am going to make a new wax product that is poured into a container that is stamped with a 6 in the triangle (which is PS) on the bottom (I know this number is safe for scent retention)...what I am wondering is...the plastic lid has a 1 in the triangle, which is PETE...should I not use this lid, as it may suck the scent out or will it be fine? I know there are b&b bottles made of PET or PETE and they are fine for scent retention...but what about the lid for my containers that will have wax in them...I'm affraid the lid will pull the scent out...what do you all think?

HELP! :)

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You are correct, polyethylene bags will allow scent to leach out.

#1 (PET/PETE) is actually Polyethylene Teraphthalate, different from straight poly, and very suitable for bath and body products.

#6 (PS) Is Polystyrene which is much less heat resistant, and straight FO will etch. Not that you can't use it in your products, you just need to be aware that it is more suscebtable (sp?) to the FO's than PET. Just test the container with your % of oils used.

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