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Analyze my basic Recipe

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Ok here is what I am using for a basic recipe.

I do add luxury oils at trace but this is the basic recipe.

What would you change if anything?

Coconut Oil 8 ounces

PKO 8 ounces

Castor 2 ounces

Olive Oil 20 ounces (sometimes I use sunflower instead)

Lye 5.48 ounces

Water 12.79 ounces

This is a 5% superfat so it leaves me room to add a couple ounces of wonderful oils at trace. I know it doesn't matter when these oils are added but this is how I was taught and so I do it that way..lol.

I am wanting to make a master batch and want some input before I melt 70 pounds of oils..lol.

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This is just my person experience speaking, but that's too much olive for me. I use olive at 0-20% at the most. Otherwise, the lather & soap is slime city.

Lately, I've quit using olive all together. However, I use different oils than you do, so maybe it's just olive combined with lard or something that makes it slimey.

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Ok here is what I am using for a basic recipe.

I do add luxury oils at trace but this is the basic recipe.

What would you change if anything?

Coconut Oil 8 ounces

PKO 8 ounces

Castor 2 ounces

Olive Oil 20 ounces (sometimes I use sunflower instead)

Lye 5.48 ounces

Water 12.79 ounces

This is a 5% superfat so it leaves me room to add a couple ounces of wonderful oils at trace. I know it doesn't matter when these oils are added but this is how I was taught and so I do it that way..lol.

I am wanting to make a master batch and want some input before I melt 70 pounds of oils..lol.

I got a slightly different lye number on the soap calc. With those oils the soap calc says your lye should be 5.548 oz. It looks like you are rounding your oils up, which is fine. The numbers look good. Looks like a nice bar. You might want to make a test batch before you do 70 pounds of oils, though.

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I stopped using olive in my main soap recipe and switched to RBO for a while. I really like the feel of the soap now but I can get pomace local for a decent price. I may have to switch back when I run out of RBO.

If this is your usual recipe that you like and works great for you, why tweak it?

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Well, I just changed mine, I switched the OO with RBO, but I also subbed 5% of the coconut 76 with babbassu. It made a nice improvement. I should also add that I have since started to add silk to each batch. These little suckers just keep getting better.

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Where do you get your silk? ANd how much do you use?

It was a gift, but I recently asked where I could get it. Let me check the email.

It is Tussah Silk and the place to get it is called lookchina.com. I just looked up the site and 5lbs is $70 plus shipping, for chopped.

I use a strand about 1/4 wide and 1" long for a 2-3lb batch. I got .4oz and I think there is enough in there for about 100 batches.

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