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Testing Fo's


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When testing fo's to find out if they seize or rice on ya. How much difference does the recipe make? If you are not using the exact same recipe yet, but tweeking it, does that majorly affect the seizing? Wanna test some fo's in some dixie cups like how maybe Bunny suggested. Just wandering if it will actually help. Just don't wanna screw up whole batches majorly with having a seize :tiptoe: Thanx bunches for any help!

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When testing fo's to find out if they seize or rice on ya. How much difference does the recipe make? If you are not using the exact same recipe yet, but tweeking it, does that majorly affect the seizing? Wanna test some fo's in some dixie cups like how maybe Bunny suggested. Just wandering if it will actually help. Just don't wanna screw up whole batches majorly with having a seize :tiptoe: Thanx bunches for any help!

On occasion it can make alot of difference. Most times not though. When I am testing like that, I usually test a bunch at one time. Taking out thin raw soap and adding the FO, then mixing with a mini whisk. It's the only one that will fit in the dixie cup!

That will tell you whether it will be a fast tracer and many other things.

Most I have ever done at one time was 12!

Trust me that is too many!;)

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Thanx bunches! That sure does help alot! I am gonna play around with some fo's that I have on hand here in the next few days, and don't wanna deal with the whole batch seizing like I have already had the problem with. Grrr, it drives me nuts. But when you are first starting and going with scents that you already have on hand, it sure does test your nerves :laugh2:

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